DB2 for i5/OS: Prepare for creation of databases
This section steps through mandatory preparation tasks prior to creating databases that are required by WebSphere Portal.
- Prepare the CCSID value prior to creating database names and schemas.
A necessary preparation task is to change the CCSID value to one that is supported by DB2 Universal Database for System i5. The default CCSID #65535 is not supported by DB2, so it is essential to complete this task to change the 65535 CCSID value to a valid CCSID on the system where you run the database transfer tasks. You must also run this task on any remote database server machine.
Complete all of the following steps to set a valid CCSID for every existing database administrator user profile.
- Query the current system value of CCSID by typing...
DSPSYSVAL SYSVAL(QCCSID)If the CCSID value shown is 65535 then continue with these steps. Otherwise these steps are not required.
- Type the following command, including the parentheses, once for everyexisting database administrator user profile, including the user ID currently logged on and running the installation:
DSPUSRPRF USRPRF(usrprf)...where usrprf is the database administrator user ID, for example, DB2ADMIN. This command displays the user's profile settings, including the CCSID value that may need to change. If the value is *SYSVAL, *HEX, or 65535, you are finished with this step and can continue to the next step, which is to display job settings. Otherwise, you are finished with this CCSID section.
- Prior to running a job in any given session, type DSPJOB OPTION(*DFNA) and scroll to find the default coded character set identifier value used by the database administrator profile running jobs. Write down that value if it is not 65535.
- For the database administrator user profile to be used to run jobs, type in the following change user profile command and specify the value you wrote down in the previous step, or a CCSID value based on the language to be used, for example 037 for English. The value cannot be 65535:
CHGUSRPRF USRPRF(usrprf) CCSID(ccsid-value)
- Log off the system for the profile changes to take effect.
- Log back on before attempting to run any database configuration tasks.
- Repeat these commands for every existing database administrator user profile on every portal system and every remote database server machine.
- Preparing database domain property values prior to creating database names and schemas. Before you manually configure the database schemas, first edit the database domain properties files.
- Locate the following files and create a backup copy of each using the backup-main-cfg-file task before changing any values:
- portal_server_root/config/wpconfig.properties
- portal_server_root/config/wpconfig_dbdomain.properties
- portal_server_root/config/wpconfig_dbtype.properties
- The WebSphere Portal database can be used to hold information for applications such as Document Manager, Personalization (Feedback), and LikeMinds. To prepare the database to hold such application information, you should use similar naming conventions for property values such as release.DbName. For example:
- release.DbName=*LOCAL/REL60
- community.DbName=*LOCAL/COMM60
- customization.DbName=*LOCAL/CUST60
- jcr.DbName=*LOCAL/JCR60
- feedback.DbName=*LOCAL/FDB60
- likeminds.DbName=*LOCAL/LKM60
When you create a schema, use the following schema naming conventions on the i5/OS system:
The default schema names may be used with the product.
- Length cannot exceed 10 characters
- All alphanumerical characters are allowed ( "A" through "Z" and "1" through "0")
- Invalid characters include:
spaces null * " : > < | + ; ' ?
- Make sure you know what valid schema names are and do not use a schema name which already exists on the local or remote system. Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply. Note that the Create WebSphere Portal wizard will automatically check schema names for you.
- For more information on database and schema naming conventions, refer to DB2 Universal Database for System i5 topic in the System i5 information center.
- Do not change any settings other than those that are specified in these substeps. For instructions on working with these files, see the complete Configuration properties reference that includes default values.
- If you are using a remote database, be sure to enter the values for the remote server.
- Use / instead of \ for i5/OS.
- Some values, shown here in italics, might need to be modified to your specific environment.
- Password considerations: For security reasons, you should not store passwords in the wpconfig.properties, wpconfig_dbdomain.properties, and wpconfig_dbtype.properties files. It is recommended that we edit each of the properties files prior to running a configuration task, inserting the passwords needed for that task. Then, after the task has run, we should delete all passwords from each file. For more information, see Delete passwords from configuration scripts.
- There might be additional database properties other than those listed here. Only change the properties within this table; skip all other properties.
- Depending on which database domain has to be configured, the variable dbdomain may need to be replaced by:
- release
- customization
- community
- jcr
- wmm
- feedback
- likeminds
- Edit the properties files and enter the values that are appropriate for the environment. We can also modify each properties file locally on the System i5 system by typing the following on an OS/400 command line in a 5250 session:
EDTF 'portal_server_root/config/property filename.properties'...where property filename is either wpconfig_dbdomain, wpconfig or wpconfig_dbtype.
You must have a user profile on the System i5 server and must have at least *USE special authority to edit the properties file.
The following properties must be changed before creating a database name and schema on a local or remote System i5 server.
- Change the database domain property values in the wpconfig_dbdomain.properties file with the names and locations of the database schemas.
Do not remove *LOCAL from the property value.
Database properties in wpconfig_dbdomain.properties Property Value dbdomain.DbType The type of database used to store information for WebSphere Portal.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
Recommended value for all domains:
- Cloudscape : cloudscape
- DB2 for i5/OS: db2_iseries
dbdomain.DbName The name of the WebSphere Portal domain database and schema.
- This value is also the database element in the dbdomain.DbUrl property.
- Non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only. This value is the TCPIP Alias for the database.
- For Oracle, this value should match the 'ORACLE_SID'.
Recommended value for local DB2 for i5/OS:
- For non-Member Manager databases:
- Release: *LOCAL/REL60
- Customization: *LOCAL/CUST60
- Community: *LOCAL/COMM60
- Feedback: *LOCAL/FDB60
- LikeMinds: *LOCAL/LKM60
- For Member Manager databases: *LOCAL/wmm.DbUser, where *LOCAL is the database and wmm.DbUser is the Member Manager database administrator user ID (the schema you will use to connect to the database).
Recommended value for remote DB2 for i5/OS:
- For non-Member Manager databases:
- Release: hostName/REL60
- Customization: hostName/CUST60
- Community:hostNameCOMM60
- JCR: hostName/JCR60
- Feedback: hostName/FDB60
- LikeMinds: hostName/LKM60
- For Member Manager databases: hostName/wmm.DbUser, where wmm.DbUser is the Member Manager database administrator user ID (the schema you will use to connect to the database).
dbdomain.DbSchema Description: The schema name of the database domain.
- For i5/OS: dbdomain.DbSchema must match the postfix of dbdomain.DbName after /. For example, if release.DbName=*LOCAL/REL60, it must also have release.DbSchema=REL60.
- Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for some database management systems, for example on i5/OS.
- This property is not used on Member Manager, which only uses the dbdomain.DbUser name as the schema.
- Follow the documentation of the target database management system in order to define a valid schema name as restrictions apply for some database management systems.
- For SQL Server only, unless we are the system administrator, the values for dbdomain.DbUser and dbdomain.DbSchema must be the same.
- For Oracle and SQL Server servers, the value must be set to FEEDBACK.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
Default: dbdomain
dbdomain.DbUrl The database URL used to access the WebSphere Portal database with JDBC. The value must conform to standard JDBC URL syntax.
- DB2 for i5/OS (local):
- For non-Member Manager databases: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/dbdomain.DbName
- For Member Manager databases: jdbc:db2:*LOCAL/wmm.DbUser, where *LOCAL is the database and wmm.DbUser is the Member Manager database administrator user ID (the schema you will use to connect to the database).
- DB2 for i5/OS (remote):
- For non-Member Manager databases: jdbc:as400:hostName/dbdomain.DbName
- For Member Manager databases: jdbc:as400:hostname/wmm.DbUser, where wmm.DbUser is the Member Manager database administrator user ID (the schema you will use to connect to the database).
dbdomain.DbUser The user ID for the database administrator.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.
Default value for all domains: db2admin
dbdomain.DbPassword The password for the database administrator.
A value must be set for this property; it cannot be empty.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
Recommended: Set this value according to your own environment.
Default value for all domains: ReplaceWithYourDbAdminPwd
dbdomain.XDbName The database loop back alias that needs to be set if you plan to use the create-local-database-db2 task.
- For DB2, this value must be different from the value of dbdomain.DbName.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
- Release: wps6TCP
- Community: wps6TCP
- Customization: wps6TCP
- WMM: wps6TCP
- JCR: wps6TCP
- Feedback: fdbk6TCP
- LikeMinds: lmdb6TCP
dbdomain.DbNode The value for the node database.
Required for non-Windows platforms when using DB2 only.
Value type: Alphanumeric text string
Default values:
- Release: wpsNode
- Community: wpsNode
- Customization: wpsNode
- JCR: wpsNode
- WMM: wpsNode
- Feedback value: pznNode
- LikeMinds value: pznNode
- Update the wpconfig.properties file with the database user ID and the WebSphere Application Server password (WasPassword)
Supplying WasPassword is even needed prior to transferring and connecting to a database using the configuration wizard.
- Update wpconfig_dbtype.properties with the driver, library and JDBC for each database type.
Database type properties in wpconfig_dbtype.properties Property Value DbSafeMode This property only applies to database-specific tasks. If this property is set to true, database-specific tasks such as create/modify/drop database will not be performed. The property should be used if a pre-configured database, such as from a previous installation, already exists. If the property is set to false, the database will be updated and the pre-existing database configuration will be overwritten.
Value type: true, false
Default: false
Recommended: false
db2_iseries.DbDriver The Java class name for the JDBC provider that WebSphere Portal uses to communicate with its databases.
DB2 for i5/OS Recommended:
- For local databases: com.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
- For remote databases: com.ibm.as400.access.AS400JDBCDriver
db2_iseries.DbLibrary The directory and name of the.zip or.jar file that contains the JDBC driver class.
Value type: Directory path with elements delimited by forward slashes (/).
In UNIX environments, use a colon (:) instead of a semi-colon (;) to separate multiple paths.
i5/OS Recommended value: DB2 for i5/OS:
- Local: /QIBM /ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar
- Remote: For the UserData path of the installed edition of WebSphere Application Server :portal_server_root/IBM Trans/lib/jt400.jar
For remote DB2 configuration, for the UserData path of the installed edition of WebSphere Application Server this value should be: portal_server_root/IBM Trans/lib/jt400.jar
i5/OS Default value: /QIBM /ProdData/Java400/ext/db2_classes.jar
db2_iseries.DbDriverType The database driver type for local and remote
Value type: Numeric text string; 2 for local, 4 for remote
i5/OS Default value: 2
- After you edit the property values in the appropriate file, save the files.
You have completed these preparation tasks. Continue to the next step, which is Create schemas and users for DB2 for i5/OS.
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Configure DB2 for i5/OS
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Plan for DB2 for i5/OS
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Create schemas and users for DB2 for i5/OS