addNode command


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The addNode command is used to add a WebSphere Application Server node to a managed cell. Refer to the information in this section when instructed to use the addNode command during the cluster installation process.

After the addNode command completes successfully, the cell name of the configuration on the node that you added is changed from the base cell name to the deployment manager cell name.


Updating the Java heap size

i5/OS users: The default setting of 0 for the maximum heap size indicates that no maximum is set. This is the recommended setting for i5/OS systems. If you are running WebSphere Portal on an i5/OS system, we can ignore the instructions in this section for updating the maximum heap size.

Because of the size of WebSphere Portal and the number of enterprise applications it contains, you should make the following updates to the Java heap size settings:

  • Update the maximum Java heap size used by the deployment manager:

    1. In the deployment manager administrative console, click...

      System administration | Deployment manager | Java and Process Management | Process Definition | Java Virtual Machine

    2. Update the value in the Maximum Heap Size field. A value of at least 1024 MB is recommended.

    3. Click OK, and then save changes.

  • On each node you are adding, update the addNode and removeNode script or batch files to increase the maximum heap size for the Java commands used in processing these commands. These files are located in the was_profile_root/bin directory. It is recommended that the maximum heap size be increased to 1024 MB by editing the was_profile_root/bin/setupCmdLine script and adding the following lines, depending on the operating system:

    • Windows:

      SET JVM_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS=" -Xms256m -Xmx1024m"

    • UNIX:

      JVM_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS="$WAS_HOME/java/jre/lib/security/ -Xms256m -Xmx1024m" export JVM_EXTRA_CMD_ARGS


Run the addNode command

To add a node to the deployment manager cell, enter the addNode command on one line on the server system to be added:

  • Windows:

    was_profile_root\bin\addNode.bat deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_soap_port -username admin_user_id -password admin_password [-includeapps] [-trace] [-registerservice -servicename service_user_id -servicepassword service_password]

  • UNIX:

    was_profile_root/bin/ deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_soap_port -username admin_user_id -password admin_password [-includeapps] [-trace]

  • i5/OS:

    app_server_root/bin/addNode deployment_manager_host deployment_manager_soap_port -profileName profile_root -username admin_user_id -password admin_password [-includeapps] [-trace]

    ...where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal is installed; for example, wp_profile and startingport is the port number used as the base port number for all node agent and Java Messaging Service (JMS) server ports created during the running of the addNode command.


  • was_profile_root is the profile directory on WebSphere Application Server.

  • deployment_manager_host is the deployment manager host name.

  • deployment_manager_soap_port is the deployment manager SOAP connector-address. The default value is 8879. Note that if you have multiple profiles in the installation, each profile will have a different port number for SOAP requests. To verify the port number for the deployment manager profile, refer to the SystemOut.log file associated with the profile and look for a message similar to this:

    ADMC0013I: The SOAP connector is available at port 8879

  • (i5/OS only) profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal is installed; for example, wp_profile.

  • admin_user_id is the WebSphere Application Server administrative user name. This parameter is optional but is required if security is enabled.

  • admin_password is the administrative user password. This parameter is optional but is required if security is enabled.



The -includeapps parameter is optional.

This parameter should only be used if there are enterprise applications already installed on this node that need to be added to the deployment manager's master configuration. If you do not specify this flag, any application servers that are defined on this node will be included in the deployment manager's configuration, but they might not be functional without their corresponding enterprise applications. If the application already exists in the cell, a warning is generated and the application is not installed into the cell.


The -trace parameter is optional.

This parameter generates trace information that is stored in the addNode.log file for debugging purposes.


(Windows only) The -registerservice parameter is optional.

This parameter indicates that the node agent created during federation should be registered as a Windows service.


(Windows only) The -servicename parameter is only required when the -registerservice parameter is used.

The service_user_id value for this parameter is the user ID that will be used with the Windows service.


(Windows only) The -servicepassword parameter is only required when the -registerservice parameter is used. The service_password value for this parameter is the password that will be used with the Windows service.

Refer to the appropriate WAS Network Deployment information center for details on the addNode command: