Windows: Using the COM Interface

  1. Windows: Using the COM Interface

  2. Figures

  3. About this book

  4. Who this book is for

  5. Where to find more information about ActiveX

  6. Introduction

  7. WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX overview

  8. COM and ActiveX scripting

  9. WebSphere MQ environment support

  10. Designing and programming using WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX

  11. Designing MQAX applications that access non-ActiveX applications

  12. Using WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX

  13. Programming hints and tips

  14. Message Descriptor properties

  15. WebSphere MQ constants

  16. WebSphere MQ string constants

  17. Null string constants

  18. Receiving a message from WebSphere MQ

  19. Using data conversion

  20. Numeric encoding

  21. Character set conversion

  22. Threading

  23. Error handling

  24. How error handling works

  25. Getting a property

  26. WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX reference

  27. WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX interface

  28. About WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX classes

  29. Parameter passing

  30. MQSession Class

  31. Creation

  32. CompletionCode property

  33. ExceptionThreshold property

  34. ReasonCode property

  35. ReasonName property

  36. AccessGetMessageOptions method

  37. AccessMessage method

  38. AccessPutMessageOptions method

  39. AccessQueueManager method

  40. ClearErrorCodes method

  41. ReasonCodeName method

  42. MQQueueManager class

  43. Containment

  44. AlternateUserId property

  45. AuthorityEvent property

  46. BeginOptions property

  47. ChannelAutoDefinition property

  48. ChannelAutoDefinitionEvent property

  49. ChannelAutoDefinitionExit property

  50. CharacterSet property

  51. CloseOptions property

  52. CommandInputQueueName property

  53. CommandLevel property

  54. CompletionCode property

  55. ConnectionHandle property

  56. ConnectionStatus property

  57. ConnectOptions property

  58. DeadLetterQueueName property

  59. DefaultTransmissionQueueName property

  60. Description property

  61. DistributionLists property

  62. InhibitEvent property

  63. IsConnected property

  64. IsOpen property

  65. LocalEvent property

  66. MaximumHandles property

  67. MaximumMessageLength property

  68. MaximumPriority property

  69. MaximumUncommittedMessages property

  70. Name property

  71. ObjectHandle property

  72. PerformanceEvent property

  73. Platform property

  74. ReasonCode property

  75. ReasonName property

  76. RemoteEvent property

  77. StartStopEvent property

  78. SyncPointAvailability property

  79. TriggerInterval property

  80. AccessQueue method

  81. AddDistributionList method

  82. Backout method

  83. Begin method

  84. ClearErrorCodes method

  85. Commit method

  86. Connect method

  87. Disconnect method

  88. MQQueue class

  89. Containment

  90. AlternateUserId property

  91. BackoutRequeueName property

  92. BackoutThreshold property

  93. BaseQueueName property

  94. CloseOptions property

  95. CompletionCode property

  96. ConnectionReference property

  97. CreationDateTime property

  98. CurrentDepth property

  99. DefaultInputOpenOption property

  100. DefaultPersistence property

  101. DefaultPriority property

  102. DefinitionType property

  103. DepthHighEvent property

  104. DepthHighLimit property

  105. DepthLowEvent property

  106. DepthLowLimit property

  107. DepthMaximumEvent property

  108. Description property

  109. DynamicQueueName property

  110. HardenGetBackout property

  111. InhibitGet property

  112. InhibitPut property

  113. InitiationQueueName property

  114. IsOpen property

  115. MaximumDepth property

  116. MaximumMessageLength property

  117. MessageDeliverySequence property

  118. Name property

  119. ObjectHandle property

  120. OpenInputCount property

  121. OpenOptions property

  122. OpenOutputCount property

  123. OpenStatus property

  124. ProcessName property

  125. QueueManagerName property

  126. QueueType Property

  127. ReasonCode property

  128. ReasonName property

  129. RemoteQueueManagerName property

  130. RemoteQueueName property

  131. ResolvedQueueManagerName property

  132. ResolvedQueueName property

  133. RetentionInterval property

  134. Scope property

  135. ServiceInterval property

  136. ServiceIntervalEvent property

  137. Shareability property

  138. TransmissionQueueName property

  139. TriggerControl property

  140. TriggerData property

  141. TriggerDepth property

  142. TriggerMessagePriority property

  143. TriggerType property

  144. Usage property

  145. ClearErrorCodes method

  146. Close method

  147. Get method

  148. Open method

  149. Put method

  150. MQMessage class

  151. Containment

  152. CompletionCode property

  153. DataLength property

  154. DataOffset property

  155. MessageLength property

  156. ReasonCode property

  157. ReasonName property

  158. AccountingToken property

  159. AccountingTokenHex property

  160. ApplicationIdData property

  161. ApplicationOriginData property

  162. BackoutCount property

  163. CharacterSet property

  164. CorrelationId property

  165. CorrelationIdHex property

  166. Encoding property

  167. Expiry property

  168. Feedback property

  169. Format property

  170. GroupId property

  171. GroupIdHex property

  172. MessageData property

  173. MessageFlags property

  174. MessageId property

  175. MessageIdHex property

  176. MessageSequenceNumber property

  177. MessageType property

  178. Offset property

  179. OriginalLength property

  180. Persistence property

  181. Priority property

  182. PutApplicationName property

  183. PutApplicationType property

  184. PutDateTime property

  185. ReplyToQueueManagerName property

  186. ReplyToQueueName property

  187. Report property

  188. TotalMessageLength property

  189. UserId property

  190. ClearErrorCodes method

  191. ClearMessage method

  192. Read method

  193. ReadBoolean method

  194. ReadByte method

  195. ReadDecimal2 method

  196. ReadDecimal4 method

  197. ReadDouble method

  198. ReadDouble4 method

  199. ReadFloat method

  200. ReadInt2 method

  201. ReadInt4 method

  202. ReadLong method

  203. ReadNullTerminatedString method

  204. ReadShort method

  205. ReadString method

  206. ReadUInt2 method

  207. ReadUnsignedByte method

  208. ReadUTF method

  209. ResizeBuffer method

  210. Write method

  211. WriteBoolean method

  212. WriteByte method

  213. WriteDecimal2 method

  214. WriteDecimal4 method

  215. WriteDouble method

  216. WriteDouble4 method

  217. WriteFloat method

  218. WriteInt2 method

  219. WriteInt4 method

  220. WriteLong method

  221. WriteNullTerminatedString method

  222. WriteShort method

  223. WriteString method

  224. WriteUInt2 method

  225. WriteUnsignedByte method

  226. WriteUTF method

  227. MQPutMessageOptions class

  228. Containment

  229. CompletionCode property

  230. Options property

  231. ReasonCode property

  232. ReasonName property

  233. RecordFields property

  234. ResolvedQueueManagerName property

  235. ResolvedQueueName property

  236. ClearErrorCodes method

  237. MQGetMessageOptions class

  238. Containment

  239. CompletionCode property

  240. MatchOptions property

  241. Options property

  242. ReasonCode property

  243. ReasonName property

  244. ResolvedQueueName property

  245. WaitInterval property

  246. ClearErrorCodes method

  247. MQDistributionList class

  248. Properties:

  249. AlternateUserId property

  250. CloseOptions property

  251. CompletionCode property

  252. ConnectionReference property

  253. FirstDistributionListItem property

  254. IsOpen property

  255. OpenOptions property

  256. ReasonCode property

  257. ReasonName property

  258. AddDistributionListItem method

  259. ClearErrorCodes method

  260. Close method

  261. Open method

  262. Put method

  263. MQDistributionListItem class

  264. Properties:

  265. AccountingToken property

  266. AccountingTokenHex property

  267. CompletionCode property

  268. CorrelationId property

  269. CorrelationIdHex property

  270. DistributionList property

  271. Feedback property

  272. GroupId property

  273. GroupIdHex property

  274. MessageId property

  275. MessageIdHex property

  276. NextDistributionListItem property

  277. PreviousDistributionListItem property

  278. QueueManagerName property

  279. QueueName property

  280. ReasonCode property

  281. ReasonName property

  282. ClearErrorCodes method

  283. Troubleshooting

  284. Code level tool

  285. Example output file from code level tool

  286. Using trace

  287. Trace filename and directory

  288. Example trace file

  289. When your WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX script fails

  290. First failure symptom report

  291. Other sources of information

  292. Reason codes

  293. ActiveX interface to the MQAI

  294. The MQBag class

  295. MQBag properties

  296. Item property

  297. Count property

  298. Options property

  299. MQBag methods

  300. Add method

  301. AddInquiry method

  302. Clear method

  303. Execute method

  304. FromMessage method

  305. ItemType method

  306. Remove method

  307. Selector method

  308. ToMessage method

  309. Truncate method

  310. Error handling

  311. Using the Active Directory Service Interfaces (ADSI)

  312. Prerequisites

  313. Troubleshooting

  314. The WebSphere MQ namespace and object hierarchy

  315. Accessing WebSphere MQ objects using COM or URL addresses

  316. C++ Language invocation

  317. Structuring WebSphere MQ COM and URL addresses

  318. Accessing WebSphere MQ objects using enumeration

  319. C++ Language invocation

  320. Configuring WebSphere MQ Active Directory objects

  321. Object descriptions

  322. WebSphere MQ

  323. MQHost

  324. MQQueueManager

  325. Schema

  326. MQClntConnChannel

  327. MQClusterReceiverChannel

  328. MQClusterSenderChannel

  329. MQReceiverChannel

  330. MQRequesterChannel

  331. MQSenderChannel

  332. MQServerChannel

  333. MQSvrConnChannel

  334. MQProcess

  335. MQAliasQueue

  336. MQClusterQueue

  337. MQLocalQueue

  338. MQModelQueue

  339. MQRemoteQueue

  340. Appendix A. About the WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX Starter samples

  341. What is demonstrated in the samples

  342. Preparing to run the samples

  343. Error handling in the samples

  344. Running the ActiveX Starter samples

  345. MQAX Starter samples for Microsoft Visual Basic V4 or later

  346. Starting the MQAXCLSS sample

  347. The MQAXDLST sample

  348. MQAX Starter sample for Microsoft Excel 95 or later

  349. Starter sample using an ActiveX compatible WWW browser

  350. Appendix B. Notices

  351. Index