
MQQueue class objects are associated with this class.



New creates a new MQQueueManager object and sets all the properties to initial values. Alternatively use the AccessQueueManager method of the MQSession class.



Dim mgr As New MQQueueManager
set mgr = New MQQueueManager






Property Access

The following properties can be accessed at any time

The remaining properties can be accessed only if the object is connected to a queue manager, and the user ID is authorized to inquire against that queue manager. If an alternate user ID is set and the current user ID is authorized to use it, the alternate user ID is checked for authorization for inquire instead.

If these conditions do not apply, WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX attempts to connect to the queue manager and open it for inquire automatically. If this is unsuccessful, the call sets a CompletionCode of MQCC_FAILED and one of the following ReasonCodes:

The Backout, Begin, Commit, Connect, and Disconnect methods set errors matching those set by the MQI calls MQBACK, MQBEGIN, MQCMIT, MQCONN, and MQDISC respectively.