ActiveX interface to the MQAI


For a brief overview of COM interfaces and their use in the MQAI, see COM and ActiveX scripting.

The MQAI enables applications to build and send Programmable Command Format (PCF) commands without directly obtaining and formatting the variable length buffers required for PCF. For more information about the MQAI, see the WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface. The MQAI ActiveX MQBag class encapsulates the data bags supported by the MQAI in a way that is possible to use in any language that supports the creation of COM objects; for example, Visual Basic, C++, Java, and other ActiveX scripting clients.

The MQAI ActiveX interface is for use with the MQAX classes that provide a COM interface to the MQI. For more information about the MQAX classes, see Using WebSphere MQ Automation Classes for ActiveX.

The ActiveX interface provides a single class called MQBag. This class is used to create MQAI data bags and its properties and methods are used to create and work with data items within each bag. The MQBag Execute method sends the bag data to an WebSphere MQ queue manager as a PCF message and collects the replies.

The PCF message is sent to the queue manager object specified, optionally using specified request and reply queues. Replies are returned in a new MQBag object. The full set of commands and replies is described in WebSphere MQ Programmable Command Formats and Administration Interface. Commands can be sent to any queue manager in the WebSphere MQ network by selecting the appropriate request and reply queues.

This chapter discusses the following: