starter samples for Visual Basic V4 or later, Running the ActiveX Starter samples, Running the sample" /> MQAX Starter samples for Microsoft Visual Basic V4 or later


MQAX Starter samples for Microsoft Visual Basic V4 or later

This section explains how to run the MQAX starter samples for Microsoft Basic V4 or later.


Running the MQAXTRIV sample

  1. Start the queue manager.

  2. In Windows Explorer or File Manager, select the icon for the sample, MQAXTRIV.VBP (Visual Basic Project file) and open the file.

    The Visual Basic program starts and opens the file, MQAXTRIV.VBP.

  3. In Visual Basic, press function key 5 (F5) to run the sample.

  4. Click anywhere in the window form, "MQAX trivial tester".

If everything is working correctly, the window background should change to green. If there is a problem with your setup, the window background should change to red and error information will be displayed.

The central part of the Visual Basic sample is shown below.

Option Explicit
Private Sub Form_Click()
'* This simple example illustrates how to put and get a WebSphere MQ message to 
'* and from an WebSphere MQ message queue. The data from the message returned by the
'*get is read and compared with that from the original message.
Dim MQSess As MQSession                 '* session object
Dim QMgr As MQQueueManager              '* queue manager object
Dim Queue As MQQueue                    '* queue object
Dim PutMsg As MQMessage                 '* message object for put
Dim GetMsg As MQMessage                 '* message object for get
Dim PutOptions As MQPutMessageOptions   '* get message option
Dim GetOptions As MQGetMessageOptions   '* put message options
Dim PutMsgStr As String                 '* put message data string
Dim GetMsgStr As String                 '* get message data string
'* Handle errors
On Error GoTo HandleError
'* Initialize the current position for the form
CurrentX = 0
CurrentY = 0
'* Create the MQSession object and access the MQQueueManager and (local) MQQueue
Set MQSess = New MQSession
Set QMgr = MQSess.AccessQueueManager("")
Set Queue = QMgr.AccessQueue("SYSTEM.DEFAULT.LOCAL.QUEUE", _
                       MQOO_OUTPUT Or MQOO_INPUT_AS_Q_DEF)
'* Create a new MQMessage object for use with put, add some data then create an
'* MQPutMessageOptions object and put the message
Set PutMsg = MQSess.AccessMessage()
PutMsgStr = "12345678 " & Time
PutMsg.MessageData = PutMsgStr
Set PutOptions = MQSess.AccessPutMessageOptions()
Queue.Put PutMsg, PutOptions
'* Create a new MQMessage object for use with get, set the MessageId (to that of
'* the message that was put), create an MQGetMessageOptions object and get the
'* message.
'* Note: Setting the MessageId ensures that the get returns the MQMessage
'* that was put earlier.

Set GetMsg = MQSess.AccessMessage()
GetMsg.MessageId = PutMsg.MessageId
Set GetOptions = MQSess.AccessGetMessageOptions()
Queue.Get GetMsg, GetOptions
'* Read the data from the message returned by the get, compare it with
'* that from the original message and output a suitable message.
GetMsgStr = GetMsg.MessageData
If GetMsgStr = PutMsgStr Then
    BackColor = RGB(127, 255, 127)  '* set to green for ok
    Print "Message data comparison was successful."
    Print "Message data: """ & GetMsgStr & """"
    BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 127)  '* set to amber for compare error
    Print "Compare error: "
    Print "The message data returned by the get did not match the " &_
    "input data from the original message that was put."
    Print "Input message data:        """ & PutMsgStr & """"
    Print "Returned message data: """ & GetMsgStr & """"
End If
Exit Sub

'* Handle errors
Dim ErrMsg As String
Dim StrPos As Integer
BackColor = RGB(255, 0, 0)  '* set to red for error
Print "An error occurred as follows:"
Print ""
If MQSess.CompletionCode <> MQCC_OK Then
    ErrMsg = Err.Description
    StrPos = InStr(ErrMsg, " ")            '* search for first blank
    If StrPos > 0 Then
        Print Left(ErrMsg, StrPos)         '* print offending MQAX object name
        Print Error(Err)                   '* print complete error object
    End If
    Print ""
    Print "WebSphere MQ Completion Code = " & MQSess.CompletionCode
    Print "WebSphere MQ Reason Code = " & MQSess.ReasonCode
    Print "(" & MQSess.ReasonName & ")"
    Print "Visual Basic error:  " & Err
    Print Error(Err)
End If
Exit Sub
End Sub