AddDistributionListItem method

Creates a new MQDistributionListItem object and associates it with the distribution list object. The queue name parameter is mandatory.

The DistributionList property of the distribution list item is set to the owning distribution list and the FirstDistributionListItem property of the distribution list is set to reference this new distribution list item.

For the new distribution list item, the PreviousDistributionListItem property is set to nothing and the NextDistributionListItem property is set to reference any distribution list item that was previously first, or nothing if there was none previously (that is, the new one is inserted in front of those that exist already).

This will return an error if the distribution list is open.

Defined in:

MQDistributionList class

set distributionlistitem = MQDistributionList.AddDistributionListItem (QName$, QMgrName$)


QName$ String. Name of the WebSphere MQ queue.

QMgrName$ String. Name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager.