WebSphere Portal Document Manager
The Document Manager allows one to work with documents in the Productivity Components and to use Internet Mail Box to email those documents. You can create folders for storing documents and configure Document Manager for processes such as assigning approvers and subscribing readers to documents.
Document Manager integrates with the Productivity Components:
You can configure Document Manager to automatically launch WebSphere Portal Productivity Components in edit mode. The Internet Mail Box can save attachments as Document Manager documents, or attach Document Manager documents or documents from your local file to e-mail.
The Document Manager portlet provides a centralized location for documents and methods for tracking changes. Depending on access rights, users can create, read, edit or delete files, folders, and views.
Document Manager allows users to edit documents even if they do not have editing software on their computer. A draft approvals process and the ability to send a link, and versioning are also part of Document manager.
Space Considerations
There may be a question of space considerations when Document Manager will be populated with large amounts of data. Large amounts of data could be 20 to 30 gigabytes of data with the intent of growth.
Index size is approximately 40-70% of the textual content (disregarding layout information and structural information) of documents. The range is dependent on the size of the vocabulary and uniqueness of terms. The smaller the number of unique terms and the more often multiple occurrences of the same terms are found in a single document, the smaller in the index is and vise-versa.
The Portal Document Manager index can be found on the WebSphere Portal server machine and is located in...
WAS_HOME/wpcp/config/WebSphere_Portal/author/IndexesFor WebSphere Portal Document Manager 5.1.x the design and architecture of PDM changed from WPS 5.0.x to WPS 5.1.x.
In WPv5.1.x, a Java Content Repository (JCR) implementation is used as the PDM repository. However, the space needed for the Document Libraries remains a function of the database vendor and its implementation. In general, the binary data of the document content takes up the majority of the database space. The more documents and libraries, the larger the indexes and overhead.
The maximum index size seen before performance degradation is somewhere around 10GB. The default location of the index is...
WP_root/jcr/search...and it is configurable in the file...WP_root/jcr/lib/com/ibm/icm/icm.properties
If you get the following error when accessing Document Manager...
Document Manager cannot communicate with content repository....execute...
WPSConfig cfg-jcr-resources...to re-initialise the repository.
See also
- Documents, folders, and views
- Set up and maintaining your work environment
- Document libraries
- Collaborating in Document Manager
- Viewing documents in HTML
- Productivity Components
- Troubleshooting
- Set up Document Management
- Modifying Document Manager properties
- Performing basic tasks
- Working with drafts
- Searching documents and folders
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