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Predefined BIRT Reports

We can use predefined BIRT reports to generate and display information about mobile devices and usage.

MPF generates raw reports, which are stored in an app_activity_report table. MPF also includes device usage reports, which are aggregations of data from the app_activity_report, and are described in Device usage reports and Use raw data reports. Users can view or extract data from the app_activity_report table or from the device usage reports, and process it using their own business intelligence systems.

For users with no existing business intelligence analysis system, MPF provides a selection of predefined Business Intelligence Reporting Tool (BIRT) reports. BIRT is a third-party tool, and is not created or supported by IBM. MPF provides several *.rptdesign files containing logic to connect to the reports database, pull data from device usage tables, process, and display the data.

IBM MobileFirst Platform Foundation Consumer Edition and MobileFirst Enterprise Edition include the following predefined BIRT reports:

Report Name Description Report file name
Active Users Active users in last 30 days. report_active_users.rptdesign
Daily Hits The daily aggregated hits for last 30 days. Any action from the user/device that caused a request to the server is counted as a hit. This number, aggregated over a day, equals the daily hits. report_daily_hits.rptdesign
Daily Visits The number of discreet visits by separate user/device in last 30 days. All actions by a user/device that caused one or more requests to the server within a day is counted as a visit. report_daily_visits.rptdesign
Environment Usage Application version and application environment used: number of visits that were recorded in the last 30 days. report_environment_usage.rptdesign
New Devices A record of unique devices that were connected in the last 30 days. report_new_devices.rptdesign
Notification Messages Per Day Number of messages sent each day in the past 90 days per data source. report_notification_messages_per_day.rptdesign
Notification Messages Per Source Total number of messages that were sent in the last 90 days per data source. report_notification_messages_per_source.rptdesign
License Total New Device Count A record of unique devices that were connected over a specified period (90 days as default), for licensing purposes. report_license_total_device_count.rptdesign

Figure 1. An example of a report generated by BIRT, in this case report_license_total_device_count.rptdesign

There are several ways of viewing predefined reports, using one of the following options.

Parent topic: Reports database