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Install BIRT on WAS full profile

Complete these steps to install Business Intelligence Reporting Tools (BIRT) on WAS full profile.

  1. Download the BIRT package and extract the contents.

  2. From the folder birt-runtime-version\WebViewerExample\WEB-INF\lib, delete (or remove) the following packages:

    • org.apache.xerces.jar

    • org.apache.resolver.jar

    • org.apache.serializer.jar

    Figure 1. Deleting three files

  3. Use a .war command to package the directory WebViewerExample into a WAR file named birt.war

  4. Start the WebSphere Server.

  5. Open the console web page.

  6. Log in.

  7. From the console, install BIRT package by installing birt.war from the runtime download.

  8. Click Enterprise Applications in left menu.

  9. Click the name of the deployed application, birt_war, to enter the configuration page.

  10. Under the heading Modules, click Manage Modules.

  11. In the Module list, click Eclipse BIRT Report Viewer.

  12. In the General Properties page, under Class loader order, select the Classes loaded with parent class loader first option.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Save the Master Configuration.

Parent topic: Reports database