Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


About working with projects

A project is the foundation of an application in IBM® WebSphere Portlet Factory.

A project contains all the artifacts required by WebSphere Portlet Factory to build the web application, portlet application or widget.

WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer wizards are available to help you perform any project operations, such as creating a project, adding WebSphere Portlet Factory artifacts to and removing WebSphere Portlet Factory artifacts from a project, and modifying project settings.

Most wizards are accessible from a project right-click menu and wizards usually provide default settings that you can change according to your development environment.


Typical WebSphere Portlet Factory project contents

The following characteristics describe a typical WebSphere Portlet Factory project.

Project Nature

WebSphere Portlet Factory projects use the Java project nature.

Project Contents

WebSphere Portlet Factory projects contain all the contents of WebSphere Portlet Factory servable content root directory. For example, wpf.war and below.

Source Directory

WebSphere Portlet Factory projects use the project installation WEB-INF/work/source directory as a source directory. You may designate other directories as Source Directories as well, but include this one.

Included Libraries

WebSphere Portlet Factory projects include all the JAR files in the WebSphere Portlet Factory WEB-INF/lib directory and the JAR files in the WEB-INF/clientlibs/servlet.jar.

External Tools Builders

WebSphere Portlet Factory WebApp builder runs an Ant script that copies files from the project to the server.


Project locations

By default, WebSphere Portlet Factory projects are located in the Eclipse /workspace directory. However, you can locate a WebSphere Portlet Factory project anywhere in your file system. On Windows systems, due to constraints on path name length, there are benefits to locating the project at or near the top of the file system.

Parent topic: Overview of IBM WebSphere Portlet Factory Designer

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