Portlet Factory, Version 6.1.2


About creating your project

When you finish creating the project, you can choose whether to build a development WAR file or the production WAR file. The conditions differ for portlets and widgets.


For portlets

WebSphere Portlet Factory can generate two WAR files for you. The WebSphere Portlet Factory development WAR file is used when running your application standalone on an application server. The portlet WAR file is used when running your application as a portlet within a portal.

If you have not chosen automatic deployment, you need to deploy the WAR files manually after this process completes. If you have chosen automatic deployment, the WAR files are deployed to the servers for you. There is a large amount work being done here, so the deployment could take from two to three minutes to complete.

If you are using a local installation of WebSphere Portal, security for WebSphere Application Server is enabled by default. As a result, you may be prompted for credentials during the creation of the WAR files. Use the WebSphere Application Server administrator credentials and not the Portal administrator credentials. Also, be sure to wait for this prompt before leaving the deployment unattended. The prompt times out if you ignore it and your WAR file is not automatically deployed. In this case, you can still install and configure the WAR file manually with the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.

When the process completes, WebSphere Portlet Factory displays README editors for the feature sets that you have installed. Read through these files and close them when you are finished. You should be left with an empty (gray) work area.

If the Websphere Administration Server or the WebSphere Portal Server servers are remote, you see an error message below the informational panel. This message states that the development WAR and the EAR that contains it have not been deployed. If you have chosen not to deploy the portlet WAR automatically or if the portal server was not available, you need to deploy that WAR manually with the WebSphere Portal Administrative console.


For widgets

The development WAR file contains utilities that help speed your development time. A development WAR is built based on the inputs provided in your deployment configuration. If the deployment configuration is configured for automatic deployment, the widget is deployed for you when you build a development WAR. If a Mashup server is installed on your system when you install WebSphere Portlet Factory, a deployment configuration named MashupServer is generated automatically, and is configured to automatically deploy the widget, as long as the correct credentials are supplied during installation.

To build a development WAR, right-click the project name in the Project Explorer panel. Click Application Server WAR > Build WAR for dev testing.

The production WAR file is used when your application is ready to be deployed to a production environment. The production WAR does not contain the development utilities and is smaller than the development WAR. The production WAR must be manually deployed to the server. To build a production WAR, right-click on the project name in the Project Explorer panel. Click Application Server WAR > Build WAR for production deployment.

If you have not chosen automatic deployment, you need to deploy the WAR files manually after this process completes. If you have chosen automatic deployment, the WAR files are deployed to the servers for you. There is a large amount work being done here, so the deployment could take from two to three minutes to complete.

If you are using a local installation of LotusĀ® Mashups, security is enabled by default. As a result, you may be prompted for credentials during the creation of the WAR files. Use the WebSphere Application Server administrator credentials. Also, be sure to wait for this prompt before leaving the deployment unattended. The prompt times out if you ignore it and your WAR file is not automatically deployed. In this case, you can still install and configure the WAR file manually with the WebSphere Application Server Administrative Console.

When the process completes, WebSphere Portlet Factory displays README editors for the feature sets that you have installed. Read through these files and close them when you are finished. You should be left with an empty (gray) work area.

If the Lotus Mashups server is remote, you see an error message below the informational panel. This message states that the development WAR and the EAR that contains it have not been deployed. If you have chosen not to deploy the WAR automatically or if the server was not available, you need to deploy that WAR manually.

Parent topic: About working with projects

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