Use the Performance Measurement tool

The Performance Measurement can help you analyze your cache settings and improve performance.

Before starting

Ensure that can we are able to perform the following tasks in the environment:

Task info

The Performance Measurement tool generates reports we use to improve performance. The tool is a command-line utility, which you will run from inside the utility container. To run the Performance Measurement tool to generate reports, we use a command-line utility run the batch file that calls the tool. This file contains the details for the report to generate. For example, the file can include the following information:


  1. Configure logging and tracing to capture performance data. See Tracing and logging in WebSphere Commerce Search.

  2. Reproduce the scenario that needs to be measured by running an operation or performance test. When you reproduce the scenario, the metric data is recording in the log files.

  3. Run the Performance Measurement tool.

    Option Description
    Development environment

    1. From the WCDE_installdir\bin directory, run the following command.


    The generated reports are in the following directory: WCDE_installdir\performance\reports

    Runtime environment

    1. Open the Utility container.

    2. Copy the performance trace files from the Runtime container to the Utility container so that the tool can find them. The Performance Measurement tool runs in the Utility container, but analyzes log files generated in the WebSphere Commerce Runtime container.

    3. Update property in utilities_root/performance/config/ to indicate where the copied trace files are located.

    4. From the /opt/WebSphere/CommerceServer90/bin directory run the command:

    The generated reports are in the following directory: utilities_root/performance/reports

  4. Analyze the generated reports to identify the processes where the cache settings can be improved.

What to do next

Configure your caching, or make design or architectural changes that are based on your analysis to improve performance.


Related reference
Performance reports
Stack reports
Execution reports
Caller reports