Stack reports

We can use the Performance Measurement tool to generate stack reports. Stack reports include the measurements for the stack of operations used when you run a sample operation.

We can use this stack information to help troubleshoot potential performance problems by identifying the slowest or fastest operations in the stack. We can also use this information to determine the average execution time for operations and identify any delays that occur during an operation.

Note: When we are reviewing a stack report, use an XML editor so that we can collapse and expand XML elements to make analyzing the report easier. Each stack node within a stack report contains the following information:



The following code is a sample stack report. Each stack execution in the report includes a duration in milliseconds. If the execution results in child operations, the duration is broken down between these other stack child operations. If there is a delay greater than 1 millisecond between the stack operations, a delta operation displays. For example:

This stack report records the duration of the operation "parent" and its child operations "child1", and "child2". The "parent" operation took 36 milliseconds overall to complete, which included the following stack and delta durations:

Related tasks
Use the Performance Measurement tool

Related reference
Performance reports
Execution reports
Caller reports