Performance measurement loggers

Performance measurement loggers are available to gather performance data to help you identify any performance bottlenecks.

The performance measurement loggers are included as an enhanced service logger package in the list of WebSphere Commerce trace components. The performance measurement logger package,*, is a replacement for the service logger. This package continues to provide all of the logging content that is available with the service logger.

We can use the performance measurement loggers with the performance measurement tool or independently. With the Performance Measurement tool, we can gather execution statistics on request execution by capturing metrics on important application layers. For more information about using the performance measurement loggers with the Performance measurement tool, see Use the Performance Measurement tool.

Some of the loggers might not display within the* package until the class that uses the logger is being used by the code for the site. For each logger, we can set the message or trace log detail level or disable logging for each individual logger. For detailed instructions for configuring a logger package or individual logging layer and changing the log detail levels for a logger, Configure logging for runtime environments.

Performance Measurement tool messaging and tracing levels

The following message and trace levels for the logging package and individual loggers affect the gathering of performance metrics when using the Performance Measurement tool:

The following examples demonstrate the different trace levels that we can enable for the Performance Measurement tool. These trace examples are in order of the impact to performance for recording the logging level from the smallest impact to the largest.

To disable the logging for any logger, select No Logging.

Related tasks
Adding tracing requests across servers

Related reference
Adding cache measurement metric points
Adding threads and thread pools