Execution reports
We can use the Performance Measurement tool to generate execution reports. Execution reports include the measurements for a single execution stack.
Note: When we are reviewing an execution report, use an XML editor so that we can collapse and expand XML elements to make analyzing the report easier. Execution reports are similar to stack reports, with the following differences:
- Each server request generates one execution report.
- Each execution report contains a single execution stack from the start of the server request to its completion.
If a servlet request is called 20 times and each time the request executes two different commands (A and B), The Performance Measurement tool generates the following reports:
- Three stack reports. One for the servlet request, command A, and command B.
- 20 execution reports that show the execution stack for each of the 20 executions.
We can use the information in this report to help troubleshoot potential performance problems for a single execution stack. Each node within an execution report can contain the following information for each operation execution:
- duration
- Duration of the operation in milliseconds
- name
- Name of the operation.
- identifier
- Unique identifier for the operation execution. This value is used to correlate parent-child relationships.
- parent-identifier
- Unique identifier for the parent operation execution. This value is used to correlate parent-child relationships.
- start-time-nano
- Operation start time in nanoseconds. This nanosecond value is relative to the end-time-nano parameter value.
- end-time-nano
- Operation end time in nanoseconds. This nanosecond value is relative to the start-time-nano parameter value.
- duration-nano
- Operation duration in nanoseconds.
- result-size
- Size of the result in bytes.
- cache-enabled
- Indicates whether the cache was enabled while the operation ran.
- from-cache
- Indicates whether the operation fetched the result from the cache while the operation ran. The values can be true or false.
- unique-key
- Unique key that was used while the operation ran. This key is formed by concatenating the parameter names and values within a single string.
Related tasks
Use the Performance Measurement tool
Related reference
Performance reports
Stack reports
Caller reports