Performance reports
We can use the Performance Measurement tool to generate performance reports for operations. We can use performance reports to measure the impact that your caching practices have on your system performance. We can then analyze these reports to help you adjust your caching to improve performance. When we are generating performance reports, three files are generated:
- report-operations.csv
- This report provides a simplified view of caching performance. Use this report when you do not need complex statistics about data caching. This report includes the following information:
- The name of the executed operation.
- The average duration of a call (in seconds).
- The average size of a result when the result would be saved in cache.
- The amount of time that is spent by the system when it runs all of the measured executions of the operation.
- The number of calls that are measured for a specific operation.
- report-execution.csv
- This report lists the main operations that the system executes. These operations are listed from slowest duration to fastest. Use this report to help you identify the slowest requests on your system. We can use this report with execution reports to help identify the performance of the requests by matching the operation name and starting timestamp between the reports. This report includes the following information:
- The name of the executed operation.
- The duration of the operation in milliseconds.
- The start time of the operation in milliseconds as a relative timestamp to the stop time.
- The stop time of the operation in milliseconds as a relative timestamp to the start time.
- The size of the operation result.
- The list of key-values used to invoke the operation.
- The unique identifier for the execution.
- report-operation-cache.csv
- Use this report to help you analyze the cache efficiency and potential for every operation. This report includes information for all the following metrics. This report can include measurements and information for the following metrics:
- The time (in seconds) that is saved on your system for every byte of cache that you allocate to a specific operation. This value is based on the assumption that your cache is infinite and that the cache access is instantaneous. We can use this information to help you determine the best place to allocate your available cache resources.
- The recommended amount of memory (in bytes) to allocate to the cache. This amount is based on the allocatedCacheSize variable set in the file.
- The average duration of a call (in seconds).
- The average duration of a call when the call results in a cache hit.
- The average duration of a call when the call results in a cache miss.
- The average size of a result when the result would be saved in cache.
- The amount of time that is spent by the system when it runs all of the measured executions of the operation.
- This is the maximum amount of cache (in bytes) that this operation could take if all of the unique calls are stored in cache.
- The amount of time that is saved during the execution of an operation if the operation uses a perfect cache that takes no execution time for a cache hit.
- The number of unique cache entries that generate if you have an infinite cache and every operation result is cached.
- The number of cache hits that generate during the cache performance measurement if you have an infinite cache and every operation result is cached and never invalidated.
- The number of request results that are actually fetched from the cache when your cache is enabled. We can use this information to find the operations that are redundant.
- The number of calls that are executed where caching is enabled.
- The percentage of calls that occur when the cache is enabled.
- The theoretical maximum number of requests that result in cache hits if you have an infinite cache and no invalidation occurs.
- The percentage of requests that result in actual cache hits.
- The effectiveness of your cache as a percentage of the effectiveness of the maximum value that is predicted by the theoretical caching of the operation. We can use this information to help you find where your caching practices are inefficient. This information can also help you to pinpoint where your cache is too efficient and might be missing a key.
- The number of calls that are measured for a specific operation.
Related tasks
Use the Performance Measurement tool
Related reference
Stack reports
Execution reports
Caller reports