Properties of Destination

An overview of the properties of the Destination object, with links to more detailed reference information.

Name of property Description
XMSC_DELIVERY_MODE The delivery mode of messages sent to the destination.
XMSC_PRIORITY The priority of messages sent to the destination.
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST The multicast setting for a connection factory or destination.
XMSC_TIME_TO_LIVE The time to live for messages sent to the destination.
XMSC_WMQ_BROKER_VERSION The type of broker used by the application for a connection or for the destination.
XMSC_WMQ_CCSID The identifier (CCSID) of the coded character set, or code page, that the strings of character data in the body of a message are in when the XMS client forwards the message to the destination.
XMSC_WMQ_DUR_SUBQ The name of the subscriber queue for a durable subscriber that is receiving messages from the destination.Note: This property can be used with Version 2.0 of IBM Message Service Client for .NET but has no effect for an application connected to a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager unless the XMSC_WMQ_PROVIDER_VERSION property of the connection factory is set to a version number less than 7.
XMSC_WMQ_ENCODING How numerical data in the body of a message is represented when the XMS client forwards the message to the destination.
XMSC_WMQ_FAIL_IF_QUIESCE Whether calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager to which the application is connected is in a quiescing state.
XMSC_WMQ_MESSAGE_BODY This property determines whether an XMS application processes the MQRFH2 of a IBM MQ message as part of the message payload (that is, as part of the message body).
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_MESSAGE_CONTEXT Determines what level of message context is to be set by the XMS application. The application must be running with appropriate context authority for this property to take effect.
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_READ_ENABLED This property determines whether an XMS application can extract the values of MQMD fields or not.
XMSC_WMQ_MQMD_WRITE_ENABLED This property determines whether an XMS application can set the values of MQMD fields or not.
XMSC_WMQ_READ_AHEAD_ALLOWED This property determines whether message consumers and queue browsers are allowed to use read ahead to get non-persistent, non-transactional messages from this destination into an internal buffer before receiving them.
XMSC_WMQ_READ_AHEAD_CLOSE_POLICY This property determines, for messages being delivered to an asynchronous message listener, what happens to messages in the internal read ahead buffer when the message consumer is closed.
XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CCSID Destination property that sets the target CCSID for queue manager message conversion. The value is ignored unless XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION is set to WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION_QMGR.
XMSC_WMQ_RECEIVE_CONVERSION Destination property that determines whether data conversion is going to be performed by the queue manager.
XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT Whether messages sent to the destination contain an MQRFH2 header.
XMSC_WMQ_TEMP_TOPIC_PREFIX When creating temporary topics, XMS generates a topic string of the form "TEMP/TEMPTOPICPREFIX/unique_id", or if this property contains the default value, then this string, "TEMP/unique_id", is generated. Specifying a non-empty value allows specific model queues to be defined for creating the managed queues for subscribers to temporary topics created under this connection.
XMSC_WPM_BUS_NAME For a connection factory, the name of the service integration bus that the application connects to or, for a destination, the name of the service integration bus in which the destination exists.
XMSC_WPM_TOPIC_SPACE The name of the topic space that contains the topic.
Parent topic: Properties of XMS objects