Data type:

    Property of:
    ConnectionFactory and Destination

    Name used in a URI:

Whether calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager to which the application is connected is in a quiescing state.

The valid values of the property are as follows:

Valid value Meaning
XMSC_WMQ_FIQ_YES Calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager is in a quiescing state. When the application detects that the queue manager is quiescing, the application can complete its immediate task and close the connection, allowing the queue manager to stop.
XMSC_WMQ_FIQ_NO No method calls fail because the queue manager is in a quiescing state. If you specify this value, the application cannot detect that the queue manager is quiescing. The application might continue to perform operations against the queue manager and therefore prevent the queue manager from stopping.
The default value for a connection factory is XMSC_WMQ_FIQ_YES but, by default, the property is not set for a destination. Setting the property for a destination overrides any value specified by the connection factory property. Parent topic: Property definitions