Data type:

    Property of:
    ConnectionFactory and Destination

    Name used in a URI:

The multicast setting for a connection factory or destination. Only a destination that is a topic can have this property.

An application uses this property to enable multicast in association with a real-time connection to a broker and, if multicast is enabled, to specify the precise way in which multicast is used to deliver messages from the broker to a message consumer. The property has no effect on how a message producer sends messages to the broker.

The valid values of the property are as follows:

Valid value Meaning
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST_DISABLED Messages are not delivered to a message consumer using WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport. This value is the default value for a ConnectionFactory object.
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST_ASCF Messages are delivered to a message consumer according to the multicast setting for the connection factory associated with the message consumer. The multicast setting for the connection factory is noted at the time that the connection is created. This value is valid only for a Destination object, and is the default value for a Destination object.
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST_ENABLED If the topic is configured for multicast in the broker, messages are delivered to a message consumer using WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport. A reliable quality of service is used if the topic is configured for reliable multicast.
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST_RELIABLE If the topic is configured for reliable multicast in the broker, messages are delivered to a message consumer using WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport with a reliable quality of service. If the topic is not configured for reliable multicast, we cannot create a message consumer for the topic.
XMSC_RTT_MULTICAST_NOT_RELIABLE If the topic is configured for multicast in the broker, messages are delivered to a message consumer using WebSphere MQ Multicast Transport. A reliable quality of service is not used even if the topic is configured for reliable multicast.
Parent topic: Property definitions