Data type:

    Property of:

This property determines whether an XMS application processes the MQRFH2 of a IBM MQ message as part of the message payload (that is, as part of the message body).

Note: When sending messages to a destination, XMSC_WMQ_MESSAGE_BODY property supersedes existing XMS Destination property XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT.

Valid values for this property are:

    Receive: The inbound XMS message type and body are determined by the contents of the MQRFH2 (if present) or the MQMD (if there is no MQRFH2) in the received IBM MQ message.
    Send: The outbound XMS message body contains a prepended and auto-generated MQRFH2 header based on XMS Message properties and header fields.

    Receive: The inbound XMS message type is always ByteMessage, irrespective of the contents of received IBM MQ message or the format field of the received MQMD. The XMS message body is the unaltered message data returned by the underlying messaging provider API call. The character set and encoding of the data in the message body is determined by the CodedCharSetId and Encoding fields of the MQMD. The format of the data in the message body is determined by the Format field of the MQMD.
    Send: The outbound XMS message body contains the application payload as-is; and no auto-generated IBM MQ header is added to the body.

    Receive: The XMS client determines a suitable value for this property. On receive path, this value is the WMQ_MESSAGE_BODY_JMS property value.
    Send: The XMS client determines a suitable value for this property. On send path, this value is the XMSC_WMQ_TARGET_CLIENT property value.

By default this property is set to XMSC_WMQ_MESSAGE_BODY_UNSPECIFIED.

Parent topic: Property definitions