What's new and what's changed in IBM MQ Explorer
Learn about the main new and changed functions in IBM MQ Explorer.

New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 9.2.x
From Version 9.2.0, IBM MQ Explorer is built on Eclipse 4.15.
For more information about installation requirements, see IBM MQ Explorer installation requirements and Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 9.1.x
- Change to version of Eclipse that IBM MQ Explorer is built on
From Version 9.1.0, IBM MQ Explorer is built on Eclipse 4.7.3 instead of Eclipse 4.6.3.
- Changes to delivery mechanism for updates to stand-alone IBM MQ Explorer
From Version 9.1.4, the stand-alone IBM MQ Explorer, previously known as SupportPac MS0T, is available as a stand-alone application from Fix Central. SupportPac MS0T is no longer available from the IBM download site.
For more information about installation requirements, see IBM MQ Explorer installation requirements and Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 9.0.4
- IBM MQ Explorer is built on Eclipse 4.6.3 instead of Eclipse 4.4.2.
- For more information about installation requirements, see IBM MQ Explorer installation requirements and Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 9.0
- IBM MQ Explorer is built on Eclipse 4.4.2 instead of Eclipse 4.3.2.
- For more information about installation requirements, see IBM MQ Explorer installation requirements and Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 8.0
- IBM MQ Explorer is built on Eclipse 4.3.1 instead of Eclipse 3.6.2.
- For more information about installation requirements, see IBM MQ Explorer installation requirements and Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments.
- Support for topic host routing for publish/subscribe clusters
- In previous versions, when you configure a clustered topic on a queue manager, all queue managers in the cluster become aware of all other queue managers in the cluster. When performing publish and subscribe operations, each queue manager then connects directly to all the others. This approach is still available in IBM MQ Version 8.0, where it is known as direct routing.
- Support to better understand the size of our system
- The following parameters are added to the publish/subscribe information
reported. They are displayed on the Publish/Subscribe status page
for a given queue manager.
- Sub count. Shows the total number of subscriptions against the local topic tree.
- Topic count. Shows the total number of topic nodes in the local topic tree.
- New connection details properties
- For more information, see Connection details properties.
- Set CHCKLOCL to Required for administrators or Required for all stops you from locally administering the queue manager by way of the runmqsc commands unless you specify the -u UserID parameter on the runmqsc command line.
- Security enabled remote queue manager connections
- The SSL cipher specification RC2_MD5_EXPORT is no longer supported. Connections that use this cipher specification and that are imported into IBM MQ Explorer Version 8.0 have a blank SSL cipher specification setting. A new cipher specification must be selected.
- Deprecation of specific SSLv3 Cipher Suites
- The three SSL cipher specifications listed in Java and JMS: changes to CipherSuite support in the Version 8.0 product documentation are no longer supported.
- New for z/OS
- For z/OS, the following changes are described in
Queue manager properties and Channel properties:
- New Statistics monitoring (z/OS) section.
- Link added from Statistics monitoring (Multiplatforms) to Statistics monitoring (z/OS).
- New Security policies, *Maximum ACE pool size (KB), and Excluded operator messages parameters added to System (z/OS).
- Channel statistics parameter description enhanced in Statistics page.
- Clarification added to the Cluster channel names parameter for z/OS. For more information, see the Cluster channel names attribute in the Extended page of IBM MQ queue properties.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 7.5
- Integration of Managed File Transfer and Advanced Message Security
A key new feature of IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.5 is the integration of Managed File Transfer and Advanced Message Security function, the use of which is subject to appropriate licensing entitlements. There is a single installation where you choose the required components.
The Managed File Transfer and Advanced Message Security extensions are always present in IBM MQ Explorer, both in the server component and the stand-alone version from SupportPac MS0T, and become active as required. You now always see a Managed File Transfer node in the IBM MQ Explorer Navigator view.
If we have an existing managed file transfer configuration on the computer, created from the earlier separate product, it automatically opens under the Managed File Transfer node. Alternatively, right-clicking on the node opens a new configuration wizard to select your coordination queue manager and command queue manager. This feature is useful if we are using IBM MQ Explorer to connect to remote queue managers that are configured for use with Managed File Transfer. When you set up your configuration, we can then use IBM MQ Explorer to do a number of operations, including scheduling transfers and monitoring their progress.
Advanced Message Security provides a high level of protection for sensitive data that is flowing through the IBM WebSphere MQ network. Messages can be both encrypted and also signed so that the identity of the sender can be confirmed. When IBM MQ Explorer connects to a queue manager, if it detects the Advanced Message Security capability on the queue manager, it adds a Security Policies node under the queue manager in the navigator view. From there, we can create security policies to protect specific queues.
- Improved multi-version support
Another key new feature of this release of IBM MQ Explorer is improved multi-version support. From IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.1, you are able to install multiple copies of IBM WebSphere MQ on the same computer. IBM MQ Explorer has improved function to further simplify working with multiple installations of IBM WebSphere MQ.
The Welcome screen now has a new link to View installations. Clicking this link displays all of the IBM WebSphere MQ installations. Each installation might have its own copy of IBM MQ Explorer, so the installation that is running IBM MQ Explorer is shown first. All other installations are then shown in the second table. Each installation has a name, version, and installation path, and optionally a description. One of the installations might be set as the primary one on the computer (setting as primary sets various system-wide settings such as environment variables on Windows systems). The State is Available unless there is an issue with the installation, and the Identifier is allocated at installation time and is for internal use.
There is a new Transfer queue managers to this installation function on the dialog. This control opens a new wizard, which can also be opened by right-clicking on the Queue Managers node in the navigator tree and selecting Transfer Queue Managers.... This new wizard enables you to transfer one or more queue managers from other installations to the current installation. This wizard is equivalent to the setmqm command, but saves having to type the required paths and parameters. Only stopped queue managers can be transferred; running queue managers are shown for reference. Queue managers can be pulled only into the current installation; they cannot be pushed out into other installations. After you click Transfer, the setmqm command is invoked with the selected queue managers. If successful, the navigator tree updates to include the transferred queue managers. If there are any problems, a dialog is shown with the error message from the command. We can also use drag and drop, and IBM MQ Explorer import and export function, to transfer queue managers. For drag and drop, we must run two instances of IBM MQ Explorer at the same time, from different installations. We can then drag a stopped queue manager out from one installation and drop it into the queue managers folders of the other. You then see a confirmation dialog.
If you export IBM MQ Explorer settings to a file, under the Connection Information category there is now an option to save details for local queue managers. If you then import that file into IBM MQ Explorer from a different installation, you get the same prompt as you do if we want to transfer the queue manager. We can drag the exported XML file into IBM MQ Explorer to initiate the import.
- Reduced overhead
To reduce the overhead of maintaining the Navigator view, the amount of information about the state of the Navigator view of IBM MQ Explorer persistent on disk is reduced. As a result of this change, the expansion state of tree nodes in the Navigator view no longer persists when IBM MQ Explorer is restarted.
New features in IBM MQ Explorer Version 7.1
The following table lists the additional tasks that we can perform in IBM MQ Explorer in IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.1.
IBM MQ Explorer is repackaged in Version 7.1 to be self-contained, no longer requiring the installation of a separate package for Eclipse technology.
The multi-version capabilities of IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.1 enable you to install a copy of IBM MQ Explorer as part of each installation of IBM WebSphere MQ and run them independently. You can view the installation properties of local and remote queue managers.
Performance improvements have been made to IBM MQ Explorer Version 7.1, across various areas. Startup time is reduced and most operations that involve large numbers of queue managers are now quicker, including connecting to remote queue managers by using multiple selection, and managing the list of queue managers in the Navigator view. The time that is taken to populate tables with many objects such as queues is also reduced.
Note: Some of the links in this topic work only when clicked from inside the installed IBM MQ Explorer. If we are reading this material online, then some of the links might not work.New features in Version 7.1 | More information |
Support for multiple installations. | See Multiple installations of IBM MQ Explorer. |
Installing into Eclipse environments. | See Installing IBM MQ Explorer into Eclipse environments. |
New features since Version 6.x | More information |
Create and configure IBM WebSphere MQ service definitions by using IBM MQ Explorer. | See Create and configure a service definition. |
Create and configure IBM WebSphere MQ administered objects by using IBM MQ Explorer. | See Create and configure JMS administered objects. |
Manage IBM WebSphere MQ object authorities by using an authorization service in IBM MQ Explorer. | See Manage object authorities with an authorization service. |
Test your object definitions for problems or write tests to enforce rules in object definitions. | See Testing your object definitions for problems. |
Configure a IBM WebSphere MQ publish/subscribe engine in IBM MQ Explorer. | See Queue manager properties. |
Get context-sensitive help from the pop-up help throughout IBM MQ Explorer. | In a dialog, or over a tree item, press F1 on Windows or Ctrl+F1 onLinux (x86 and x86-64 platforms) to display the pop-up help. The pop-up help contains a brief description and some links to take you to more information in the IBM MQ Explorer help. Dialogs now include a small help icon to display the pop-up help when clicked, as well as pressing F1 or Ctrl-F1. See: Display context-sensitive help (pop-up window help) |
Create and configure IBM WebSphere MQ classes for JMS administered objects by using IBM MQ Explorer. | See Create and configure JMS administered objects. |
Manage IBM WebSphere MQ object authorities by using an authorization service in IBM MQ Explorer. | See Manage object authorities with an authorization service. |
Group queue managers in folders, and make actions to all the queue managers in the set. Queue managers that belong to particular applications, departments, or companies can be grouped. | See Create and configure a queue manager set. |
Tightly integrated support for Publish and Subscribe messaging that simplifies the development, configuration, and deployment of event-driven messaging. | See Configure publish/subscribe messaging. |
Optimizations to the JMS layer, tightly integrating JMS services into IBM WebSphere MQ queue manager internals. Consolidated administration and security for Publish and Subscribe, JMS, and XMS messaging into the standard IBM WebSphere MQ model. | See Create and configure JMS administered objects. |
Welcome pages are a quick and easy way to find links for tutorials, applications, and education. | See Introduction to IBM MQ Explorer. |
Related reference