Configure publish/subscribe messaging

In publish/subscribe messaging, the sender of a message (the publisher) is decoupled from the recipient of the message (the subscriber) so that the publisher does not need to know who will receive the message and the subscriber does not necessarily know who sent the message. The publisher publishes the message to the broker, which is then responsible for distributing the message to any subscribers who have registered an interest in the information in the message.

  • Publishers and subscribers
    Publishers and subscribers are applications that send and receive messages (publications) using the publish/subscribe method of messaging. Publishers and subscribers are decoupled from one another so that publishers do not know the destination of the information that they send, and subscribers do not know the source of the information that they receive.
  • Configure publish/subscribe for IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue managers
    In IBM MQ Explorer, we can configure IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 queue managers as brokers to route messages between publishing applications and subscribing applications. To test your configurations, we can register as a publisher and as a subscriber, and send and receive test publications.

Parent topic: Configure IBM MQ using IBM MQ Explorer