Defining the command queue manager

We can either use the same queue manager as the coordination and command queue managers, or create a new command queue manager.

We must have a command queue manager, however, we can use the same queue manager for the coordination and command queue managers. Otherwise, we need to create a new command queue manager. This can be on the same machine as the coordination queue manager, but does not have to be.


  1. Rename member BFGCMCR with your own prefix, for example, CCPCMCR. We must rename BFGCMCR because re-customizing this file replaces it.
  2. Edit the renamed member by inserting the name of our credentials file. For example:
    %BFGCMD CMD=fteSetupCommands +
    -credentialsFile //'<MFTCredentialsDataSet(MemberName)>' +
  3. Save and submit the job. Note that if we need to resubmit the job, we need to add the -f option.

    This queue manager is used for commands such as ftePingAgent.

  4. Review this member, submit it, and review the output.

What to do next

See Create an agent for information on how you create an agent.

Parent topic: Configure Managed File Transfer for z/OS

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