Definitions of the Programmable Command Formats
All the available Programmable Command Formats (PCFs) are listed including their parameters (required and optional), response data and error codes.
Following is the reference information for the Programmable Command Formats (PCFs) of commands and responses sent between an IBM MQ systems management application program and an IBM MQ queue manager.
How the definitions are shown
The definitions of the Programmable Command Formats (PCFs) including their commands, responses, parameters, constants, and error codes are shown in a consistent format.
PCF commands and responses in groups
In this product documentation, the commands and data responses are given in alphabetical order.
Backup CF Structure on z/OS
The Backup CF Structure (MQCMD_BACKUP_CF_STRUC) command initiates a CF application structure backup.
Change, Copy, and Create Authentication Information Object
The Change authentication information command changes attributes of an existing authentication information object. The Create and Copy authentication information commands create new authentication information objects - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing object.
Change, Copy, and Create CF Structure on z/OS
The Change CF Structure command changes existing CF application structures. The Copy and Create CF Structure commands create new CF application structures - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing CF application structure.
Change, Copy, and Create Channel
The Change Channel command changes existing channel definitions. The Copy and Create Channel commands create new channel definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing channel definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Channel (MQTT)
The Change Channel command changes existing Telemetry channel definitions. The Copy and Create Channel commands create new Telemetry channel definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing channel definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Channel Listener on Multiplatforms
The Change Channel Listener command changes existing channel listener definitions. The Copy and Create Channel Listener commands create new channel listener definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing channel listener definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Communication Information Object on Multiplatforms
The Change Communication Information Object command changes existing communication information object definitions. The Copy and Create Communication Information Object commands create new communication information object definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing communication information object definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Namelist
The Change Namelist command changes existing namelist definitions. The Copy and Create Namelist commands create new namelist definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing namelist definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Process
The Change Process command changes existing process definitions. The Copy and Create Process commands create new process definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing process definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Queue
The Change Queue command changes existing queue definitions. The Copy and Create Queue commands create new queue definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing queue definition.
Change Queue Manager
The Change Queue Manager ( MQCMD_CHANGE_Q_MGR) command changes the specified attributes of the queue manager.
Change Security on z/OS
The Change Security command changes specified attributes of an existing security definition.
Change SMDS on z/OS
The Change SMDS (MQCMD_CHANGE_SMDS) command changes the attributes of shared message data set.
Change, Copy, and Create Service on Multiplatforms
The Change Service command changes existing service definitions. The Copy and Create service commands create new service definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing service definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Storage Class on z/OS
The Change Storage Class command changes existing storage class definitions. The Copy and Create Storage Class commands create new storage class definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing storage class definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Subscription
The Change Subscription command changes existing subscription definitions. The Copy and Create Subscription commands create new subscription definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing subscription definition.
Change, Copy, and Create Topic
The Change Topic command changes existing topic definitions. The Copy and Create Topic commands create new topic definitions - the Copy command uses attribute values of an existing topic definition.
Clear Queue
The Clear Queue (MQCMD_CLEAR_Q) command deletes all the messages from a local queue.
Clear Topic String
The Clear Topic String (MQCMD_CLEAR_TOPIC_STRING) command clears the retained message which is stored for the specified topic.
Delete Authentication Information Object
The Delete authentication information (MQCMD_DELETE_AUTH_INFO) command deletes the specified authentication information object.
Delete Authority Record on Multiplatforms
The Delete Authority Record (MQCMD_DELETE_AUTH_REC) command deletes an authority record. The authorizations associated with the profile no longer apply to IBM MQ objects with names that match the profile name specified.
Delete CF Structure on z/OS
The Delete CF Structure (MQCMD_DELETE_CF_STRUC) command deletes an existing CF application structure definition.
Delete Channel
The Delete Channel (MQCMD_DELETE_CHANNEL) command deletes the specified channel definition.
Delete Channel (MQTT)
The Delete Telemetry Channel (MQCMD_DELETE_CHANNEL) command deletes the specified channel definition.
Delete Channel Listener on Multiplatforms
The Delete Channel Listener (MQCMD_DELETE_LISTENER) command deletes an existing channel listener definition.
Delete Communication Information Object on Multiplatforms
The Delete Communication Information Object (MQCMD_DELETE_COMM_INFO) command deletes the specified communication information object.
Delete Namelist
The Delete Namelist (MQCMD_DELETE_NAMELIST) command deletes an existing namelist definition.
Delete Policy on Multiplatforms
The Delete Policy (MQCMD_DELETE_PROT_POLICY) command deletes a security policy.
Delete Process
The Delete Process (MQCMD_DELETE_PROCESS) command deletes an existing process definition.
Delete Queue
The Delete Queue (MQCMD_DELETE_Q) command deletes a queue.
Delete Service on Multiplatforms
The Delete Service (MQCMD_DELETE_SERVICE) command deletes an existing service definition.
Delete Storage Class on z/OS
The Delete Storage Class (MQCMD_DELETE_STG_CLASS) command deletes an existing storage class definition.
Delete Subscription
The Delete Subscription (MQCMD_DELETE_SUBSCRIPTION) command deletes a subscription.
Delete Topic
The Delete Topic (MQCMD_DELETE_TOPIC) command deletes the specified administrative topic object.
Escape on Multiplatforms
The Escape (MQCMD_ESCAPE) command conveys any IBM MQ command (MQSC) to a remote queue manager.
Escape (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Escape (MQCMD_ESCAPE) command consists of the response header followed by two parameter structures, one containing the escape type, and the other containing the text response. More than one such message might be issued, depending upon the command contained in the Escape request.
Inquire Archive on z/OS
The Inquire Archive (MQCMD_INQUIRE_ARCHIVE) command returns archive system parameters and information.
Inquire Archive (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Archive (MQCMD_INQUIRE_ARCHIVE) command consists of the response header followed by the ParameterType structure and the combination of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of ParameterType.
Inquire Authentication Information Object
The Inquire authentication information object (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_INFO) command inquires about the attributes of authentication information objects.
Inquire Authentication Information Object (Response)
The response of the Inquire authentication information (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_INFO) command consists of the response header followed by the AuthInfoName structure (and on z/OS® only, the QSGDisposition structure), and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire Authentication Information Object Names
The Inquire authentication information names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_INFO_NAMES) command asks for a list of authentication information names that match the generic authentication information name specified.
Inquire Authentication Information Object Names (Response)
The response to the inquire authentication information names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_INFO_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified authentication information name.
Inquire Authority Records on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Authority Records (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_RECS) command retrieves authority records associated with a profile name.
Inquire Authority Records (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Authority Records (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_RECS) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName, Options, ProfileName, and ObjectType structures and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Authority Service on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Authority Service (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_SERVICE) command retrieves information about the level of function supported by installed authority managers.
Inquire Authority Service (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Authority Service (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_SERVICE) command consists of the response header followed by the ServiceComponent structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire CF Structure on z/OS
The Inquire CF Structure (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC) command returns information about the attributes of one or more CF application structures.
Inquire CF Structure (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire CF Structure (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC) command consists of the response header followed by the CFStrucName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire CF Structure Names on z/OS
The Inquire CF Structure Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_NAMES) command inquires for a list of CF application structure names that match the generic CF structure name specified.
Inquire CF Structure Names (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire CF Structure Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a single parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified CF application structure name.
Inquire CF Structure Status on z/OS
The Inquire CF Structure Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_STATUS) command inquires about the status of a CF application structure.
Inquire CF Structure Status (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire CF Structure Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CF_STRUC_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the CFStrucName and CFStatusType structures and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of CFStatusType in the Inquire command.
Inquire Channel
The Inquire Channel (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL) command inquires about the attributes of IBM MQ channel definitions.
Inquire Channel (MQTT)
The Inquire Channel (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL) command inquires about the attributes of IBM MQ channel definitions.
Inquire Channel (Response)
The response to the Inquire Channel (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL) command consists of the response header followed by the ChannelName and ChannelType structures (and on z/OS only, the DefaultChannelDisposition, and QSGDisposition structure), and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire Channel Authentication Records
The Inquire Channel Authentication Records (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHLAUTH_RECS) command retrieves the allowed partner details and mappings to MCAUSER for a channel or set of channels.
Inquire Channel Authentication Records (Response)
The response to the Inquire Channel Authentication Records (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHLAUTH_RECS) command consists of the response header followed by the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Channel Initiator on z/OS
The Inquire Channel Initiator (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_INIT) command returns information about the channel initiator.
Inquire Channel Initiator (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Channel Initiator (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_INIT) command consists of one response with a series of attribute parameter structures showing the status of the channel initiator (shown by the ChannelInitiatorStatus parameter), and one response for each listener (shown by the ListenerStatus parameter).
Inquire Channel Listener on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Channel Listener (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LISTENER) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ listeners.
Inquire Channel Listener (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Channel Listener (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LISTENER) command consists of the response header followed by the ListenerName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Channel Listener Status on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Channel Listener Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LISTENER_STATUS) command inquires about the status of one or more IBM MQ listener instances.
Inquire Channel Listener Status (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Channel Listener Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LISTENER_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the ListenerName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Channel Names
The Inquire Channel Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_NAMES) command inquires a list of IBM MQ channel names that match the generic channel name, and the optional channel type specified.
Inquire Channel Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Channel Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_NAMES) command consists of one response for each client connection channel (except for SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN), and a final message with all the remaining channels.
Inquire Channel Status
The Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) command inquires about the status of one or more channel instances.
Inquire Channel Status (AMQP)
The Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) (AMQP) command inquires about the status of one or more AMQP channel instances.
Inquire Channel Status (MQTT)
The Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) (MQTT) command inquires about the status of one or more Telemetry channel instances.
Inquire Channel Status (Response)
The response to the Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by several structures.
Inquire Channel Status (Response) (AMQP)
The response to the Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the ChannelName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Channel Status (Response) (MQTT)
The response to the Inquire Channel Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the ChannelName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Cluster Queue Manager
The Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CLUSTER_Q_MGR) command inquires about the attributes of IBM MQ queue managers in a cluster.
Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (Response)
The response to the Inquire Cluster Queue Manager (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CLUSTER_Q_MGR) command consists of three parts. The response header is followed by the QMgrName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Communication Information Object on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Communication Information Object (MQCMD_INQUIRE_COMM_INFO) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ communication information objects.
Inquire Communication Information Object (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Communication Information Object (MQCMD_INQUIRE_COMM_INFO) command consists of the response header followed by the ComminfoName structure, and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire Connection
The Inquire connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CONNECTION) command inquires about the applications which are connected to the queue manager, the status of any transactions that those applications are running, and the objects which the application has open.
Inquire Connection (Response)
The response to the Inquire Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CONNECTION) command consists of the response header followed by the ConnectionId structure and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of ConnInfoType in the Inquire command.
Inquire Entity Authority on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Entity Authority (MQCMD_INQUIRE_ENTITY_AUTH) command inquires about authorizations of an entity to a specified object.
Inquire Entity Authority (Response) on Multiplatforms
Each response to the Inquire Entity Authority (MQCMD_INQUIRE_AUTH_RECS) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName, Options, and ObjectName structures and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Group on z/OS
The Inquire Group (MQCMD_INQUIRE_QSG) command inquires about the queue sharing group to which the queue manager is connected.
Inquire Group (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Group (MQCMD_INQUIRE_QSG) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName structure and a number of other parameter structures. One such message is generated for each queue manager in the queue-sharing group.
Inquire Log on z/OS
The Inquire Log (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LOG) command returns log system parameters and information.
Inquire Log (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Log (MQCMD_INQUIRE_LOG) command consists of the response header followed by the ParameterType structure and the combination of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of ParameterType.
Inquire Namelist
The Inquire Namelist (MQCMD_INQUIRE_NAMELIST) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ namelists.
Inquire Namelist (Response)
The response to the Inquire Namelist (MQCMD_INQUIRE_NAMELIST) command consists of the response header followed by the NamelistName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Namelist Names
The Inquire Namelist Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_NAMELIST_NAMES) command inquires for a list of namelist names that match the generic namelist name specified.
Inquire Namelist Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Namelist Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_NAMELIST_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a single parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified namelist name.
Inquire Policy on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Policy (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROT_POLICY) command inquires about the policy, or policies, set on a queue.
Inquire Policy (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Policy (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROT_POLICY) command consists of the response header followed by the PolicyName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Process
The Inquire Process (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROCESS) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ processes.
Inquire Process (Response)
The response to the Inquire Process (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROCESS) command consists of the response header followed by the ProcessName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Process Names
The Inquire Process Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROCESS_NAMES) command inquires for a list of process names that match the generic process name specified.
Inquire Process Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Process Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROCESS_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a single parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified process name.
Inquire Pub/Sub Status
The Inquire Pub/Sub Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PUBSUB_STATUS) command inquires about the status of publish/subscribe connections.
Inquire Pub/Sub Status (Response)
The response to the Inquire publish/subscribe Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PUBSUB_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the attribute structures.
Inquire Queue
Use the Inquire Queue command MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q to query the attributes of IBM MQ queues.
Inquire Queue (Response)
The response to the Inquire Queue command MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q consists of the response header followed by the QName structure. On z/OS only, response includes the QSGDisposition structure, and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Queue Manager
The Inquire Queue Manager ( MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR ) command inquires about the attributes of a queue manager.
Inquire Queue Manager (Response)
The response to the Inquire Queue Manager (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Queue Manager Status on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Queue Manager Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR_STATUS) command inquires about the status of the local queue manager.
Inquire Queue Manager Status (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Queue Manager Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_MGR_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the QMgrName and QMgrStatus structures and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Queue Names
The Inquire Queue Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_NAMES) command inquires a list of queue names that match the generic queue name, and the optional queue type specified.
Inquire Queue Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Queue Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a single parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified queue name. The response header is followed by the QTypes structure, with the same number of entries as the QNames structure. Each entry gives the type of the queue with the corresponding entry in the QNames structure.
Inquire Queue Status
The Inquire Queue Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_STATUS) command inquires about the status of a local IBM MQ queue. You must specify the name of a local queue for which you want to receive status information.
Inquire Queue Status (Response)
The response to the Inquire Queue Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_Q_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the QName structure and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of StatusType in the Inquire command.
Inquire Security on z/OS
The Inquire Security (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SECURITY) command returns information about the current settings for the security parameters.
Inquire Security (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Security (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SECURITY) command consists of the response header followed by the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Service on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Service (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SERVICE) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ services.
Inquire Service (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Service (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SERVICE) command consists of the response header followed by the ServiceName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Service Status on Multiplatforms
The Inquire Service Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SERVICE_STATUS) command inquires about the status of one or more IBM MQ service instances.
Inquire Service Status (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Service Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SERVICE_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the ServiceName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire SMDS on z/OS
The Inquire SMDS (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDS) command inquires about the attributes of shared message data sets for a CF application structure.
Inquire SMDS (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire SMDS (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDS) command returns the attribute parameters of the shared message data set connection.
Inquire SMDS Connection on z/OS
The response to the Inquire SMDS Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDSCONN) command returns status and availability information about the connection between the queue manager and the shared message data sets for the specified CFStrucName.
Inquire SMDS Connection (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire SMDS Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDSCONN) command returns status and availability information about the connection between the queue manager and the shared message data sets for the specified CFStrucName.
Inquire Storage Class on z/OS
Inquire Storage Class (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Storage Class (MQCMD_INQUIRE_STG_CLASS) command consists of the response header followed by the StgClassName structure, the PageSetId structure and the QSGDisposition structure which are followed by the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
Inquire Storage Class Names on z/OS
The Inquire Storage Class Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_STG_CLASS_NAMES) command inquires a list of storage class names that match the generic storage class name specified.
Inquire Storage Class Names (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Storage Class Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_STG_CLASS_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified namelist name.
Inquire Subscription
The Inquire Subscription (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SUBSCRIPTION) command inquires about the attributes of a subscription.
Inquire Subscription (Response)
The response to the Inquire Subscription (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SUBSCRIPTION) command consists of the response header followed by the SubId and SubName structures, and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire Subscription Status
The Inquire Subscription Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SUB_STATUS) command inquires about the status of a subscription.
Inquire Subscription Status (Response)
The response to the Inquire Subscription Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SUB_STATUS) command consists of the response header followed by the SubId and SubName structures, and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire System on z/OS
The Inquire System (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SYSTEM) command returns general system parameters and information.
Inquire System (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire System (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SYSTEM) command consists of the response header followed by the ParameterType structure and the combination of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of the parameter type.
Inquire Topic
The Inquire Topic (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC) command inquires about the attributes of existing IBM MQ administrative topic objects
Inquire Topic (Response)
The response to the Inquire Topic (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC) command consists of the response header followed by the TopicName structure (and on z/OS only, the QSG Disposition structure), and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable).
Inquire Topic Names
The Inquire Topic Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC_NAMES) command inquires a list of administrative topic names that match the generic topic name specified.
Inquire Topic Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Topic Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC_NAMES) command consists of the response header followed by a parameter structure giving zero or more names that match the specified administrative topic name.
Inquire Topic Status
The Inquire Topic Status (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC_STATUS) command inquires the status of a particular topic, or of a topic and its child topics. The Inquire Topic Status command has a required parameter. The Inquire Topic Status command has optional parameters.
Inquire Topic Status (Response)
The response of the Inquire topic (MQCMD_INQUIRE_TOPIC_STATUS) command consists of the response header, followed by the TopicString structure, and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures (where applicable). The Inquire Topic Status command returns the values requested when the StatusType is MQIACF_TOPIC_STATUS. The Inquire Topic Status command returns the values requested when the StatusType is MQIACF_TOPIC_STATUS_SUB. The Inquire Topic Status command returns the values requested when the StatusType is MQIACF_TOPIC_STATUS_PUB.
Inquire Usage on z/OS
The Inquire Usage (MQCMD_INQUIRE_USAGE) command inquires about the current state of a page set, or information about the log data sets.
Inquire Usage (Response) on z/OS
The response to the Inquire Usage (MQCMD_INQUIRE_USAGE) command consists of the response header followed by one or more UsageType structure and a set of attribute parameter structures determined by the value of UsageType in the Inquire command.
Move Queue on z/OS
The Move Queue (MQCMD_MOVE_Q) command moves all the messages from one local queue to another.
Ping Channel
The Ping Channel (MQCMD_PING_CHANNEL) command tests a channel by sending data as a special message to the remote message queue manager and checking that the data is returned. The data is generated by the local queue manager.
Ping Queue Manager on Multiplatforms
The Ping Queue Manager (MQCMD_PING_Q_MGR) command tests whether the queue manager and its command server is responsive to commands. If the queue manager is responding a positive reply is returned.
Purge Channel
The Purge Channel (MQCMD_PURGE_CHANNEL) command stops and purges an IBM MQ telemetry channel.
Recover CF Structure on z/OS
The Recover CF Structure (MQCMD_RECOVER_CF_STRUC) command initiates recovery of CF application structures.
Refresh Cluster
The Refresh Cluster (MQCMD_REFRESH_CLUSTER) command discards all locally held cluster information, including any auto-defined channels that are not in doubt, and forces the repository to be rebuilt.
Refresh Queue Manager
Use the Refresh Queue Manager (MQCMD_REFRESH_Q_MGR) command to perform special operations on queue managers.
Refresh Security
The Refresh Security (MQCMD_REFRESH_SECURITY) command refreshes the list of authorizations held internally by the authorization service component.
Reset CF Structure on z/OS
The Reset coupling facility (CF) Structure (MQCMD_RESET_CF_STRUC) command modifies the status of a specific application structure.
Reset Channel
The Reset Channel (MQCMD_RESET_CHANNEL) command resets the message sequence number for an IBM MQ channel with, optionally, a specified sequence number to be used the next time that the channel is started.
Reset Cluster
The Reset Cluster (MQCMD_RESET_CLUSTER) command forces a queue manager to leave a cluster.
Reset Queue Manager
Use the Reset Queue Manager (MQCMD_RESET_Q_MGR) command as part of your backup and recovery procedures. The Archive option enables you to notify the queue manager that all log extents, up to the specified one, have been archived. If the log management type is not ArchivedLog the command fails. The ReduceLog option enables you to request that the queue manager reduces the number of log extents, provided they are no longer required.
Reset Queue Statistics
The Reset Queue Statistics (MQCMD_RESET_Q_STATS) command reports the performance data for a queue and then resets the performance data. Performance data is maintained for each local queue (including transmission queues).
Reset Queue Statistics (Response)
The response to the Reset Queue Statistics (MQCMD_RESET_Q_STATS) command consists of the response header followed by the QName structure and the attribute parameter structures shown in the following sections.
Reset SMDS on z/OS
The Reset SMDS (MQCMD_RESET_SMDS) command modifies the availability or status information relating to one or more shared message data sets associated with a specific application structure
Resolve Channel
The Resolve Channel (MQCMD_RESOLVE_CHANNEL) command requests a channel to commit or back out in-doubt messages. This command is used when the other end of a link fails during the confirmation stage, and for some reason it is not possible to reestablish the connection. In this situation the sending end remains in an in-doubt state, whether the messages were received. Any outstanding units of work must be resolved using Resolve Channel with either backout or commit.
Resume Queue Manager on z/OS
The Resume Queue Manager (MQCMD_RESUME_Q_MGR) command renders the queue manager available again for the processing of IMS or Db2® messages. It reverses the action of the Suspend Queue Manager (MQCMD_SUSPEND_Q_MGR) command.
Resume Queue Manager Cluster
The Resume Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_RESUME_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command informs other queue managers in a cluster that the local queue manager is again available for processing, and can be sent messages. It reverses the action of the Suspend Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_SUSPEND_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command.
Reverify Security on z/OS
The Reverify Security (MQCMD_REVERIFY_SECURITY) to set a reverification flag for all specified users. The user is reverified the next time that security is checked for that user.
Set Archive on z/OS
Use the Set Archive (MQCMD_SET_ARCHIVE) to dynamically change certain archive system parameter values initially set by your system parameter module at queue manager startup.
Set Authority Record on Multiplatforms
The Set Authority Record (MQCMD_SET_AUTH_REC) command sets the authorizations of a profile, object, or class of objects. Authorizations can be granted to, or revoked from, any number of principals or groups.
Set Channel Authentication Record
The Set Channel Authentication Record (MQCMD_SET_CHLAUTH_REC) command sets the allowed partner details and mappings to MCAUSER for a channel or set of channels.
Set Log
The Set Log (MQCMD_SET_LOG) command on Multiplatforms enables you to notify the queue manager that archiving of a log is complete. If the log management type is not Archive the command fails. This command requires change authority on the queue manager object.
Set Log on z/OS
Use the Set Log (MQCMD_SET_LOG) command to dynamically change certain log system parameter values initially set by your system parameter module at queue manager startup.
Set Policy
The Set Policy (MQCMD_CHANGE_PROT_POLICY) command sets the protection policy.
Set System on z/OS
Use the Set System (MQCMD_SET_SYSTEM) command to dynamically change certain general system parameter values initially set from your system parameter module at queue manager startup.
Start Channel
The Start Channel (MQCMD_START_CHANNEL) command starts an IBM MQ channel. This command can be issued to a channel of any type (except MQCHT_CLNTCONN). If, however, it is issued to a channel with a ChannelType value of MQCHT_RECEIVER, MQCHT_SVRCONN, or MQCHT_CLUSRCVR, the only action is to enable the channel, not start it.
Start Channel (MQTT)
The Start Channel (MQCMD_START_CHANNEL) command starts an IBM MQ channel. This command can be issued to a channel of type MQCHT_MQTT.
Start Channel Initiator
The Start Channel Initiator (MQCMD_START_CHANNEL_INIT) command starts an IBM MQ channel initiator.
Start Channel Listener
The Start Channel Listener (MQCMD_START_CHANNEL_LISTENER) command starts an IBM MQ listener. On z/OS, this command is valid for any transmission protocol; on other platforms, it is valid only for TCP transmission protocols.
Start Service on Multiplatforms
The Start Service (MQCMD_START_SERVICE) command starts an existing IBM MQ service definition.
Start SMDS Connection on z/OS
Use the Start SMDS Connection (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SMDSCONN) command after connections have been put into the AVAIL(STOPPED) state by a previous STOP SMDSCONN command. It can also be used to signal to the queue manager to retry a connection which is in the AVAIL(ERROR) state after a previous error.
Stop Channel
The Stop Channel (MQCMD_STOP_CHANNEL) command stops an IBM MQ channel.
Stop Channel (MQTT)
The Stop Channel (MQCMD_STOP_CHANNEL) command stops an MQ Telemetry channel.
Stop Channel Initiator on z/OS
The Stop Channel Initiator (MQCMD_STOP_CHANNEL_INIT) command stops an IBM MQ channel initiator.
Stop Channel Listener
The Stop Channel Listener (MQCMD_STOP_CHANNEL_LISTENER) command stops an IBM MQ listener.
Stop Connection on Multiplatforms
The Stop Connection (MQCMD_STOP_CONNECTION) command attempts to break a connection between an application and the queue manager. There might be circumstances in which the queue manager cannot implement this command.
Stop Service on Multiplatforms
The Stop Service (MQCMD_STOP_SERVICE) command stops an existing IBM MQ service definition that is running.
Stop SMDS Connection on z/OS
Use the Stop SMDS Connection (MQCMD_STOP_SMDSCONN) command to terminate the connection from this queue manager to one or more specified shared message data sets (causing them to be closed and deallocated) and to mark the connection as STOPPED.
Suspend Queue Manager on z/OS
The Suspend Queue Manager (MQCMD_SUSPEND_Q_MGR) command renders the local queue manager unavailable for the processing of IMS or Db2 messages. Its action can be reversed by the Resume Queue Manager command (MQCMD_RESUME_Q_MGR) command.
Suspend Queue Manager Cluster
The Suspend Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_SUSPEND_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command informs other queue managers in a cluster that the local queue manager is not available for processing, and cannot be sent messages. Its action can be reversed by the Resume Queue Manager Cluster (MQCMD_RESUME_Q_MGR_CLUSTER) command.
Parent topic: Programmable command formats reference