Inquire Subscription

The Inquire Subscription (MQCMD_INQUIRE_SUBSCRIPTION) command inquires about the attributes of a subscription.

Required parameters

    SubName (MQCFST)
    The unique identifier of the application for a subscription (parameter identifier: MQCACF_SUB_NAME).

    If SubName is not provided, SubId must be specified to identify the subscription to be inquired.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_SUB_NAME_LENGTH.

    SubId (MQCFBS)
    Subscription identifier (parameter identifier: MQBACF_SUB_ID).

    Specifies the unique internal subscription identifier. If the queue manager is generating the CorrelId for a subscription, then the SubId is used as the DestinationCorrelId.

    You must supply a value for SubId if we have not supplied a value for SubName.

    The maximum length of the string is MQ_CORREL_ID_LENGTH.

Optional parameters

    CommandScope (MQCFST)
    Command scope (parameter identifier: MQCACF_COMMAND_SCOPE). This parameter applies to z/OSĀ® only. Specifies how the command is executed when the queue manager is a member of a queue-sharing group. We can specify one of the following:

    • Blank (or omit the parameter altogether). The command is executed on the queue manager on which it was entered.
    • A queue manager name. The command is executed on the queue manager you specify, providing it is active within the queue sharing group. If you specify a queue manager name other than the queue manager on which it was entered, you must be using a queue sharing group environment, and the command server must be enabled.
    • An asterisk (*). The command is executed on the local queue manager and is also passed to every active queue manager in the queue sharing group.

    The maximum length is MQ_QSG_NAME_LENGTH.

    We cannot use CommandScope as a parameter to filter on.

    Durable (MQCFIN)
    Specify this attribute to restrict the type of subscriptions which are displayed (parameter identifier: MQIACF_DURABLE_SUBSCRIPTION).

      Information about durable subscriptions only is displayed.

      Information about nondurable subscriptions only is displayed.

      Information about all subscriptions is displayed.

    SubscriptionAttrs (MQCFIL)
    Subscription attributes (parameter identifier: MQIACF_SUB_ATTRS). Use one of the following parameters to select the attributes you want to display:

    • ALL to display all attributes.
    • SUMMARY to display a subset of the attributes (see MQIACF_SUMMARY for a list).
    • Any of the following parameters individually or in combination.

      All attributes.

      Use this parameter to display:


      The accounting token passed by the subscriber for propagation into messages sent to this subscription in the AccountingToken field of the MQMD.

      The CorrelId used for messages sent to this subscription.

      The internal unique key identifying a subscription.

      The date of the most recent MQSUB with MQSO_ALTER or ALTER SUB command.

      The time of the most recent MQSUB with MQSO_ALTER or ALTER SUB command.

      The date of the first MQSUB command that caused this subscription to be created.

      The time of the first MQSUB that caused this subscription to be created.

      The resolved topic string the subscription is for.

      The identity data passed by the subscriber for propagation into messages sent to this subscription in the ApplIdentity field of the MQMD.

      The destination for messages published to this subscription.

      The destination queue manager for messages published to this subscription.

      The unique identifier of an application for a subscription.

      The SQL 92 selector string to be applied to messages published on the named topic to select whether they are eligible for this subscription.

      The user data associated with the subscription.

      The userid that owns the subscription. MQCACF_SUB_USER_ID is either the userid associated with the creator of the subscription, or, if subscription takeover is permitted, the userid which last took over the subscription.

      The name of the topic object that identifies a position in the topic hierarchy to which the topic string is concatenated.

      Indicated whether this subscription is a managed subscription.

      Whether the subscription is durable, persisting over queue manager restart.

      The time to live from creation date and time.

      The priority of the messages sent to this subscription.

      The manner in which publish/subscribe related message properties are added to messages sent to this subscription.

      Indicates whether the subscriber polls for updates by using MQSUBRQ API, or whether all publications are delivered to this subscription.

      The type of subscription - how it was created.

      Whether the subscription forwards messages to all other queue managers directly connected by using a Publish/Subscribe collective or hierarchy, or the subscription forwards messages on this topic within this queue manager only.

      The level within the subscription interception hierarchy at which this subscription is made.

      Users other than the creator of this subscription that can connect to it (subject to topic and destination authority checks).

      The schema to be used when interpreting wildcard characters in the topic string.

      Controls the output returned in the TOPICSTR and TOPICOBJ attributes.

    SubscriptionType (MQCFIN)
    Specify this attribute to restrict the type of subscriptions which are displayed (parameter identifier: MQIACF_SUB_TYPE).

      Subscriptions which have been created by an admin interface or modified by an admin interface are selected.

      All subscription types are displayed.

      Subscriptions created by applications by way of the IBM MQ API are displayed.

      System created subscriptions relating to inter-queue manager subscriptions are displayed.

      USER subscriptions (with SUBTYPE of either ADMIN or API) are displayed. MQSUBTYPE_USER is the default value.

    DisplayType (MQCFIN)
    Controls the output returned in the MQCA_TOPIC_STRING and MQCA_TOPIC_NAME attributes (parameter identifier: MQIA_DISPLAY_TYPE).

      Returns the resolved (full) topic string in the MQCA_TOPIC_STRING attribute. The value of the MQCA_TOPIC_NAME attribute is also returned.

      Returns the values of the MQCA_TOPIC_NAME and MQCA_TOPIC_STRING attributes provided when the subscription was created. The MQCA_TOPIC_STRING attribute will contain the application part of the topic string only. We can use the values returned with MQCA_TOPIC_NAME and MQCA_TOPIC_STRING to fully re-create the subscription by using MQDOPT_DEFINED.