Inquire Channel Names (Response)
The response to the Inquire Channel Names (MQCMD_INQUIRE_CHANNEL_NAMES) command consists of one response for each client connection channel (except for SYSTEM.DEF.CLNTCONN), and a final message with all the remaining channels.
- Always returned:
- ChannelNames, ChannelTypes
- Returned if requested:
- None
On z/OSĀ® only, one additional parameter structure (with the same number of entries as the ChannelNames structure), is returned. Each entry in the structure, QSGDispositions , indicates the disposition of the object with the corresponding entry in the ChannelNames structure.
Response data
- ChannelNames (MQCFSL)
- List of channel names (parameter identifier: MQCACH_CHANNEL_NAMES).
- ChannelTypes (MQCFIL)
- List of channel types (parameter identifier: MQIACH_CHANNEL_TYPES). Possible values for fields in this structure are those values permitted for the ChannelType parameter, except MQCHT_ALL.
- QSGDispositions (MQCFIL)
- List of queue sharing group dispositions (parameter identifier: MQIACF_QSG_DISPS). This parameter is valid only
on z/OS. The value can be:
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_COPY.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_GROUP. MQQSGD_GROUP is permitted only in a shared queue environment.
- The object is defined as MQQSGD_Q_MGR.