Inquire Policy (Response) on Multiplatforms
The response to the Inquire Policy (MQCMD_INQUIRE_PROT_POLICY) command consists of the response header followed by the PolicyName structure and the requested combination of attribute parameter structures.
If a generic security policy name was specified, one such message is generated for each policy found.
- Always returned:
- PolicyName
The name of the policy, or policies (or part of the policy name or names) to inquire are the same as the name of the queue, or queues, that the policies control.
- Returned if requested:
- Action , EncAlg , Enforce and Tolerate , KeyReuse Recipient , Recipient , SignAlg , Signer
Response data
- Action (MQCFIL)
- Action (parameter identifier: MQIACF_ACTION).
The action taken on the command with regards to signer and recipient parameters.
- EncAlg (MQCFIL)
- Encryption algorithm (parameter identifier: MQIA_ENCRYPTION_ALGORITHM).
The encryption algorithm specified.
- Enforce and Tolerate (MQCFST)
- Indicates whether the security policy should be enforced or whether unprotected messages are tolerated (parameter identifier: MQIA_TOLERATE_UNPROTECTED).
- KeyReuse (MQCFIN)
- Specifies the number of times that an encryption key can be re-used (parameter identifier MQIA_KEY_REUSE_COUNT)
- Recipient (MQCFIL)
- Specifies the distinguished name of the intended recipient (parameter identifier:
This parameter can be specified multiple times.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_DISTINGUISHED_NAME_LENGTH.
- SignAlg (MQCFIL)
- Specifies the digital signature algorithm (parameter identifier: MQIA_SIGNATURE_ALGORITHM).
- Signer (MQCFST)
- Specifies the distinguished name of an authorized signer (parameter identifier: MQCA_SIGNER_DN)
This parameter can be specified multiple times.
The maximum length of the string is MQ_DISTINGUISHED_NAME_LENGTH.