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Use this information to find out about the properties that we can view and edit, including properties that apply to the whole IBM MQ installation and the properties of an individual IBM MQ object such as a queue, a queue manager, or a channel.

In IBM MQ Explorer, right-click any IBM MQ object, for example, a queue, a queue manager, or a channel, then click Properties to view and edit the object's properties. The properties are displayed in a properties dialog that is divided into pages according to the type of the properties, for example, TLS, exits, and clusters.

The following topics list all of the properties for IBM MQ objects. For each property, there is a description of how to use it and why you might want to set it. The topics also include, where relevant, the equivalent MQI call that we can use when programming applications, and the equivalent MQSC command that you can enter on the command line.