Connection factory properties

We can view and set connection factory properties in the Connection Factory properties dialog. The properties that are available in the dialog depend on which messaging provider the connection factory uses.

The following tables list all the properties that we can set:

For each property, there is a brief description of when you might need to configure the property. The tables also give the equivalent long and short names to use in the JMS Administration command line tool. The properties that are available in the Properties dialog depend on which messaging provider the connection factory uses. For more information about the JMS Administration command line tool, see Configure JMS objects using the administration tool in the online product documentation.

General page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the General page of the Connection Factory properties dialog.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Name This is the name of the object. NAME  
Description Type a description of the object. DESCRIPTION DESC
Class name This shows the class name that is implemented by the connection factory.    
Messaging provider This shows whether the connection factory uses MQ transport (Bindings or Client) or Real-time transport (Direct or Direct HTTP). Real-time transport is not available in IBM MQ Version 8.0. If you are using IBM MQ Version 8.0 we can define Real-time transport, but it fails when an attempt is made to create a connection.    
Transport This shows the transport type used for the connection. Bindings is a direct connection to the queue manager that is on the same computer as the JMS client; Client is a client connection using TCP/IP (the queue manager can be on the same or different computer); Direct is a direct connection to a broker of IBM Integration Bus; Direct HTTP is a direct connection using HTTP tunneling. Although this field is read-only, we can change the transport type if there is an alternative transport type available for the messaging provider; for more information, see Change the transport type used for connections. TRANSPORT TRAN
Provider version Select, or type, the version, release, modification level and fix pack of the queue manager to which this client is intended to connect. If you type the value, use one of the following formats:

  • V.R.M.F
  • V.R.M
  • V.R
  • V
where V, R, M and F are integer values greater than or equal to zero.

A value of "8" or greater indicates that this is intended as an IBM MQ Version 8.0 ConnectionFactory for connections to an IBM MQ Version 8.0 queue manager. A value of "7" or greater indicates that this is intended as a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 ConnectionFactory for connections to a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager. A value less than 7 (for example ""), indicates that it is intended for use with queue managers earlier than Version 7.0. The default value, unspecified, allows connections to any level of queue manager, determining the applicable properties and functionality available based on the queue manager's capabilities.

For more information about troubleshooting problems that can arise when you are connecting to a queue manager with a specific provider version, see JMS provider version troubleshooting in the IBM MQ online product documentation.

Client identifier The client identifier is used to uniquely identify the application connection for durable subscriptions.

Type an identifier for the client

Max buffer size Type the maximum number of received messages that can be stored in an internal message buffer while waiting to be processed by the client application. This property applies only when the Transport property has the value Direct and Direct HTTP. The default is 1000. MAXBUFFSIZE MBSZ

Connection page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Connection page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Connection page to set the connection details for connections created by this connection factory.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Base queue manager Select or type the name of the queue manager to connect to. If our application uses a client channel definition table to connect to a queue manager, see Client channel definition table in the IBM MQ online product documentation. QMANAGER QMGR
Broker queue manager

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Select or type the name of the queue manager on which the broker is running.
Connection list Comma separated list of HOSTNAME(PORT) connection addresses.
The list is tried in order, once per each connection retry attempt.
HOSTNAME can be a DNS name or IP address.
PORT defaults to 1414.
Host name Type the host name or IP address of the computer that hosts the queue manager or, for a direct connection to a broker, the computer that hosts the broker. HOSTNAME HOST
Port Type the port number on which the queue manager or broker listens. The default is 1414 if the Transport property is set to Client; the default is 1506 if the Transport property is set to Direct or Direct HTTP. PORT -
Proxy host name Type the host name of the proxy server for a direct connection. PROXYHOSTNAME PHOST
Proxy port Type the port number of the proxy server for a direct connection. The default is 443. PROXYPORT PPORT
Coded character set ID Type the coded character set ID (CCSID) to be used on connections. For optimum performance, the value of this property should be the same as the value of the Coded Character Set ID attribute (Queue manager properties) of the base queue manager. CCSID CCS

Specify whether messages are delivered to message consumers using multicast transport. Multicast transport is applicable only to topic destinations and can be used only when the connection factory uses Direct IP transport. Direct IP transport is not available in IBM MQ Version 8.0. If you are using IBM MQ Version 8.0 we can define Direct IP transport, but it fails when an attempt is made to create a connection.

The default value is Disabled, which means that messages are not delivered to a message consumer using multicast transport.

Click Enabled to deliver messages to the message consumer using multicast transport. The topic must be configured for reliable multicast in the broker; a reliable quality of service is used if the topic is configured for reliable multicast.

Click Reliable to deliver messages to the message consumer using multicast transport with a reliable quality of service. The topic must be configured for reliable multicast in the broker; if the topic is not configured for reliable multicast, we cannot create a message consumer for the topic.

Click Not reliable to deliver messages using multicast transport but without using a reliable quality of service. The topic must be configured for multicast in the broker; a reliable quality of service is not used, even if the topic is configured for reliable multicast.

Local address For a connection to a queue manager, specify either the local network interface to be used, or the local port (or range of local ports) to be used, or both. The channel binds to the address locally. Use the format ipaddress(low-port, high-port), where ipaddress is the IP address specified in IPv4 dotted decimal, IPv6 hexadecimal, or alphanumeric host name format. For example, specifies the IPv4 address with any port; specifies the IPv4 address and a specific port;,2000) specifies the IPv4 address and a range of ports; (1000) specifies a port only. If you are using a direct connection to a broker, this property is relevant only when multicast is used. Specify the local network interface to be used, as an IP address or as a host name, but do not specify any port number. LOCALADDRESS LA
Connect options Select how the application connects to the queue manager. Click Standard for the nature of the binding between the application and the queue manager to depend on the platform on which the queue manager is running and how the queue manager is configured. Click Shared for the application and the local queue manager agent to run in separate units of execution but share some resources. Click Isolated for the application and the local queue manager agent to run in separate units of execution. Click Fastpath for the application and the local queue manager agent to run in the same unit of execution. Click Serial queue manager for the application to request exclusive use of the connection tag within the scope of the queue manager. Click Serial queue sharing group for the application to request exclusive use of the connection tag within the scope of the queue-sharing group to which the queue manager belongs. Click Restricted queue manager for the application to request shared use of the connection tag but restricting the shared use of the connection tag within the scope of the queue manager. Click Restricted queue-sharing group for the application to request the shared use of the connection tag but restricting the shared use of the connection tag within the scope of the queue sharing group to which the queue manager belongs. The Standard, Shared, Isolated, and Fastpath options are ignored if the JMS application connects using a client connection. The Shared, Isolated, and Fastpath options are ignored by IBM MQ for z/OS® queue managers; the Serial queue manager, Serial queue sharing group, Restricted queue manager, and Restricted queue sharing group options are supported only by IBM MQ for z/OS queue managers. CONNOPT CNOPT
Connection tag This is a tag that the queue manager associates with the resources that are updated by the application within a unit of work while the application is connected to the queue manager. The connection tag is supported only by IBM MQ for z/OS queue managers. CONNTAG CNTAG
Share conversations allowed Click Yes (the default value) to specify that a client connection can share its socket with other JMS connections from the same process to the same queue manager, if the channel definitions match. Otherwise, click No. SHARECONVALLOWED SCA

Reconnection page

Property Meaning Long name Short name

    Do not reconnect
    The application will not be reconnected.

    The application can reconnect to any queue manager.
    Use the reconnect option only if there is no affinity between the client application and the queue manager with which it initially established a connection.

    Reconnect to the same queue manager
    The application can reconnect, but only to the queue manager to which it originally connected.
    Use this value if a client can be reconnected, but there is an affinity between the client application, and the queue manager to which it first established a connection.
    Choose this value if you want a client to automatically reconnect to the standby instance of a highly available queue manager.
    Automatic client reconnect is not supported by IBM MQ classes for Java™.

Timeout Interval in seconds before reconnection retries cease. The default is 1800 seconds (30 minutes). CLIENTRECONNECTTIMEOUT CRT

Channels page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Channel page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Channel page to configure how the JMS client connects to the queue manager.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Channel Select or type the name of the server-connection channel to use to connect the client to the queue manager. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already entered a value for the Base Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running. You must set a value for either the Channel property or for the Client Channel Definition Table URL property but not both. CHANNEL CHAN
Client channel definition table URL Enter the uniform resource locator (URL) that identifies the name and location of the file that contains the client channel definition table and specifies how the file can be accessed. You must set a value for either the Channel property or for the Client Channel Definition Table URL property but not both. CCDTURL CCDT
Header compression Click Edit then select the list of techniques that can be used for compressing header data on a connection. COMPHDR HC
Message compression Click Edit then select the list of techniques that can be used for compressing message data on a connection. COMPMSG MC

SSL page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the SSL page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the SSL page to configure the TLS details for securing client connections and direct connections to the broker.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Direct SSL authentication To enable TLS authentication for a direct connection, click Certificate. To disable authentication, user name authentication, and password authentication, click Basic. DIRECTAUTH DAUTH
CipherSuite Select the CipherSuite to use for an TLS connection. The CipherSuite must match the CipherSpec of the server-connection channel that is specified in the Channel property on the Channels page. If we do not select a CipherSuite, the FIPS Required, Certificate Revocation List, Peer Name, and Reset Count properties are ignored. SSLCIPHERSUITE SCPHS
FIPS required Click Yes to specify that an TLS connection must use a CipherSuite that is supported by the IBM Java JSSE FIPS provider (IBMJSSEFIPS). Click No if an TLS connection can use any CipherSuite. SSLFIPSREQUIRED SFIPS
Certificate revocation list Enter a list of certificate revocation list servers to check for TLS certificate revocation. SSLCRL SCRL
Peer name Type a distinguished name skeleton that must match that provided by the queue manager. The TLS peer name must also match the TLS peer name of the server-connection channel that is specified in the Channel property on the Channels page. SSLPEERNAME SPEER
Reset count Enter the total number of bytes sent and received by a connection before the secret key that is used for encryption is negotiated. SSLRESETCOUNT SRC

Exits page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Exits page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. User exits are code modules that you provide yourself to do additional processing on the message data (for example, encryption or data compression). Edit the properties on the Exits page to change the default location of client exit code modules that are run when called.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Send exit name Enter the name of the channel send exit or the sequence of send exits to be run in succession. Each entry in the list must be either the name of a class that implements the IBM MQ Java interface MQSendExit (for a channel send exit written in Java), or a string in the format libraryName(entryPointName) (for a channel send exit not written in Java). SENDEXIT SDX
Send exit initialization Enter the user data that is passed to channel send exits when they are called. We can enter one or more items of user data separated by commas. SENDEXITINIT SDXI
Receive exit name Enter the name of the channel receive exit, or a sequence of receive exits, to be called. Each entry in the list must be either the name of a class that implements the IBM MQ Java interface MQReceiveExit (for a channel receive exit written in Java), or a string in the format libraryName(entryPointName) (for a channel receive exit not written in Java). RECEXIT RCX
Receive exit initialization Enter the user data that is passed to channel receive exits when they are called. We can enter one or more items of user data separated by commas. RECEXITINIT RCXI
Security exit name Type either the name of a class that implements the IBM MQ Java interface MQSecurityExit (for a channel security exit written in Java) or a string in the format libraryName(entryPointName) (for a channel security exit not written in Java). SECEXIT SCX
Security exit initialization Type the user data that is passed to the channel security exit when it is called. SECEXITINIT SCXI

Broker page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Broker page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Broker page to provide details of the publish/subscribe broker.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Broker subscription message queue

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Select or type the name of the queue from which non-durable subscription messages are received. The default queue is SYSTEM.JMS.ND.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already selected a value for the Base Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running.
Broker CC subscription message queue

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Select or type the name of the queue from which non-durable subscription messages are retrieved for a ConnectionConsumer. The default queue is SYSTEM.JMS.CC.SUBSCRIBER.QUEUE. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already selected a value for the Base Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running.

For more information, see the BROKERSUBQ property in the IBM MQ online product documentation.

Broker control queue

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Select or type the name of the broker's control queue. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already selected a value for the Broker Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running.
Publication stream

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Select or type the name of the queue where published messages are sent (the stream queue). The default queue is SYSTEM.BROKER.DEFAULT.STREAM. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already selected a value for the Broker Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running.
Broker version

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Select the version of the broker being used. Click V1 to use a IBM MQ publish/subscribe broker or IBM Integration Bus in compatibility mode; this is the default value if the Transport property is set to Bindings or Client. Click V2 to use IBM Integration Bus in native mode; this is the default value if the Transport property is set to Direct or DirectHTTP.
Publication acknowledgment interval

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0, or later, queue manager.

Enter the number of messages that are published by a publisher before the IBM MQ JMS client requests an acknowledgment from the broker. If you decrease the value of this property, the client requests acknowledgments more often and, therefore, the performance of the publisher decreases. If you raise the value, the client takes a longer time to throw an exception if the broker fails. This property is relevant only if the Transport property has the value Bindings or Client. The default value is 25.

Temporary queues page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Temporary queues page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Temporary queues page to specify how the JMS temporary queues are dynamically defined.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Temporary model queue Select or type the name of the model queue from which JMS temporary queues are created. To use Select to enter the name, you must have already selected a value for the Base Queue Manager property on the Connection page, and the selected queue manager must be running. TEMPMODEL TM
Temporary queue prefix Type the prefix that is used to form the name of an IBM MQ dynamic queue. The rules for forming the prefix are the same as those for forming the contents of the DynamicQName field in an IBM MQ object descriptor (MQOD) but the last non-blank character must be an asterisk (*). If no value is specified for the property, the value used is AMQ.*. On z/OS systems, the value used is CSQ.*. TEMPQPREFIX TQP

Temporary topics page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Temporary topics page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Temporary topics page to specify how the JMS temporary topics are dynamically defined.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Temporary topic prefix Type the prefix that is used to form the name of a temporary topic. When creating temporary topics, JMS generates a topic string of the form TEMP/TEMPTOPICPREFIX/unique_id, or if this property uses the default value, just TEMP/unique_id. TEMPTOPICPREFIX TTP

Subscriber page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Subscriber page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Subscriber page to manage subscribers and subscriptions.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Message selection

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

To specify that message selection is done by the JMS client application, click Client. To specify that message selection is done by the broker, click Broker. If the Transport property on the General page has the value Direct, message selection is always done by the broker and the value of the Message Selection property is ignored. Message selection by the broker is not supported when the Broker Version property on the Broker page has the value V1.
Sparse subscriptions

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

This property controls the message retrieval policy of a TopicSubscriber object. To specify that subscriptions receive frequent matching messages, click No. To specify that subscriptions receive infrequent matching messages, click Yes.
Subscription store

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Select the location where IBM MQ JMS should store persistent data relating to active subscriptions. To store subscription information on the queues SYSTEM.JMS.ADMIN.QUEUE and SYSTEM.JMS.PS.STATUS.QUEUE, click Queue. To store subscription information in the publish/subscribe broker and not on queues, click Broker. To dynamically select a queue-based or broker-based subscription store depending on the release levels of IBM MQ and the publish/subscribe broker that is installed, click Migrate, which is selected by default. For more information about subscription stores, see Writing IBM MQ classes for JMS applications in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
Cleanup level

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Select the cleanup level for subscription stores for which the Subscription Store property on the Broker page is set to Broker or Migrate.
Cleanup interval

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Type the number of milliseconds interval between background runs of the publish/subscribe cleanup utility.
Clone support Specify whether two or more instances of the same durable topic subscriber can run simultaneously. Note that enabling clone support contravenes the JMS 1.1 specification. To specify that only one instance of a durable topic subscriber can run at a time, click Disabled. This is the default value. To specify that two or more instances of the same durable topic subscriber can run simultaneously, each instance running in a separate Java virtual machine (JVM), click Enabled. CLONESUPP CLS
Status refresh interval

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Type the number of milliseconds interval between refreshes of the long-running transaction that detects when a subscriber loses its connection to the queue manager. This property is relevant only if the Subscription Store property on the Broker page has the value Queue. For more information about subscription stores, see Writing IBM MQ classes for JMS applications in the IBM MQ online product documentation
Wildcard format Specify which version of wildcard syntax is to be used.

Click Only character wildcards to use only character wildcards (for consistency with applications that previously used Broker Version 1; see the Broker version property).

Click Only topic wildcards to use only topic level wildcards, which are used in Broker Version 2.


Extended page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Extended page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Extended page to change further properties of the connection factory object.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Message batch size

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Type the maximum number of messages to be taken from a queue in one packet when using asynchronous message delivery. The default is 10.
Message retention Specify whether the connection consumer keeps unwanted messages on the input queue. To keep unwanted messages on the input queue, click Yes. To deal with unwanted messages according to their disposition options, click No. MSGRETENTION MRET
Polling interval

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Type the number of milliseconds interval that elapses before each message listener tries again to get a message from its queue when each message listener within a session has no suitable message on its queue. The default is 5000. If there is frequently no suitable message available for any of the message listeners in the session, consider increasing the value of the property.
Rescan interval

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

Type the number of milliseconds interval before the IBM MQ JMS client returns to the beginning of the queue when searching for a suitable message. When a message consumer in the point-to-point domain uses a message selector to select which messages it wants to receive, the IBM MQ JMS client searches the IBM MQ queue for suitable messages in the sequence determined by the Message Delivery Sequence property of the queue (see Queue properties). When the client finds a suitable message and delivers it to the consumer, the client resumes the search for the next suitable message from its current position in the queue. The client continues to search the queue in this way until it reaches the end of the queue, or until the interval of time in milliseconds, as determined by the value of this property, has expired. In each case, the client returns to the beginning of the queue to continue its search, and a new time interval commences.
Fail if quiesce To specify that calls to certain methods fail if the queue manager is in a quiescing state, click Yes. If an application detects that the queue manager is quiescing, the application can complete its immediate task and close the connection, allowing the queue manager to stop. To specify that no method call fails because the queue manager is in a quiescing state, click No. If you click No, an application cannot detect that the queue manager is quiescing so the application might continue to perform operations against the queue manager and, therefore, prevent the queue manager from stopping. FAILIFQUIESCE FIQ
Syncpoint all gets To specify that all gets should be performed under syncpoint, click Yes. To specify that all gets should not be performed under syncpoint, click No. SYNCPOINTALLGETS SPAG
Target client matching Specify whether a reply message, sent to the queue identified by the JMSReplyTo header field of an incoming message, has an MQRFH2 header only if the incoming message has an MQRFH2 header. To specify that if an incoming message does not have an MQRFH2 header, the Target Client property on the destination queue is set to MQ, click Yes. If the incoming message does have an MQRFH2 header, the Target Client property is set to JMS instead. To specify that the Target Client property of the destination queue is always set to JMS, click No. TARGCLIENTMATCHING TCM
Asynchronous error check interval Type the number of send calls to allow between checking for asynchronous put errors, within a single non-transacted JMS session. The minimum value is 0; the value can be any positive integer. SENDCHECKCOUNT SCC

Advanced tuning page

The following table lists the properties that we can set on the Advanced tuning page of the Connection Factory properties dialog. Edit the properties on the Advanced tuning page to configure advanced settings. For most systems, the default settings are appropriate.

Property Meaning Long name Short name
Process duration

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

To specify that a subscriber can give no guarantee about how quickly it can process any message it receives, click Unknown (the default value). To specify that a subscriber guarantees to process any message it receives before returning control to the IBM MQ JMS client, click Short.
Optimistic publication

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

To specify that when a publisher publishes a message, the IBM MQ JMS client does not return control to the publisher until it has completed all the processing associated with the call and can report the outcome to the publisher, click No (the default value). To specify that when a publisher publishes a message, the IBM MQ JMS client returns control to the publisher immediately, before it has completed all the processing associated with the call and can report the outcome to the publisher, click Yes (the IBM MQ JMS client reports the outcome only when the publisher commits the message).
Outcome notification

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

To specify that when a subscriber acknowledges or commits a message, the IBM MQ JMS client does not return control to the subscriber until it has completed all the processing associated with the call and can report the outcome to the subscriber, click Yes (the default value). To specify that when a subscriber acknowledges or commits a message, the IBM MQ JMS client returns control to the subscriber immediately, before it has completed the call and can report the outcome to the subscriber, click No.
Receive isolation

This property can be used in a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 JMS client but has no effect on a IBM WebSphere MQ Version 7.0 queue manager.

To specify that a subscriber receives only the messages on the subscriber queue that have been committed, click Committed (the default value). To specify that a subscriber can receive messages that have not been committed on the subscriber queue, click Uncommitted. The value of Uncommitted has an effect only if the Process Duration property has the value Short.