IBM MQ subscription properties
We can set attributes for all types of subscriptions. Some of the attributes do not apply to all types of subscriptions, some attributes are specific to z/OSĀ® subscriptions.
The following tables list all the attributes that we can set:
For each attribute, there is a brief description of when you might need to configure the attribute. The tables also give the equivalent MQSC parameters. For more information about MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
General page
The following table lists the attributes we can set on the General page of the Subscription properties dialog.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Subscription name | Read-only. We cannot change the name of the subscription after it has been created. | SUBNAME |
Topic name | The name of the topic object used by the subscription. The topic name provides an optional topic root. A maximum of 48 characters are allowed. | TOPICOBJ |
Topic string | This specifies a fully qualified topic name or wildcard topic
set for the subscription. The slash (/) character within this string has special meaning. It delimits the elements in the topic tree. A topic string can start with the (/) character but is not required to. A string starting with the (/) character is not the same as the string which starts without the (/) character. |
Wildcard usage | The scheme is used when interpreting any wildcard
characters contained in the Topic string. The
two values are: TOPIC: Wildcard characters represent portions of the topic hierarchy. CHAR: Wildcard characters represent portions of strings. |
Scope | The scope determines whether this subscription
is forwarded to other queue managers, so that the subscriber
receives messages published at those other queue managers.
The two values are:
Note: Individual subscribers can only restrict SUBSCOPE. If the parameter is set to ALL at topic level, then an individual subscriber can restrict it to QMGR for this subscription. However, if the parameter is set to QMGR at topic level, then setting an individual subscriber to ALL has no effect. |
Destination class | The Destination class specifies whether the
destination used by the subscription is a managed destination. The
two values are: MANAGED: The destination is managed. PROVIDED: The destination is a queue. This is the default value. |
Destination queue manager | The destination queue manager for messages published to the subscription. | DESTQMGR |
Destination name | Specifies the name of the alias, local, remote, or cluster queue to which messages for this subscription are put. | DEST |
Correlation identifier | The value of Correlation identifier will be put into the message descriptor of all messages sent to
the subscription. If no Correlation identifier parameter is specified, messages will be placed on the destination
with a CorrelId of MQCI_NONE. A blank value (default) results in a system generated correlation identifier being used. If set to '000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000' (48 zeros) the CorrelId set by the publishing application will be maintained in the copy of the message delivered to the subscription, unless messages are propagated across a publish/subscribe hierarchy. |
DESTCORLNote: It is not possible to set the DESTCORL property programmatically with JMS. |
Durable | A durable subscription is not deleted when the creating application closes its subscription handle. The subscription's Durable parameter can be either Yes or No. When Durable is set to Yes, then the subscriptions are not deleted when the creating application closes its subscription handle. | DURABLE |
Type | The Type of subscription indicates how the subscription was created. The
subscription types are: API: Subscription created through an MQSUB API request. ADMIN: Subscription created through a DEF SUB MQSC or PCF command. ADMIN is also used to indicate that a subscription has been modified through administrative command. PROXY: Subscription created internally for routing publications through a queue manager network.
The Type cannot be modified. |
Properties | Properties determines how pub/sub related message properties are added
to messages sent to the subscription. The available options are: Compatibility: Publish / subscribe properties are added to the message to maintain compatibility with IBM WebSphere MQ Version 6.0 Publish / Subscribe. Message properties: Publish / subscribe properties are added as message properties. None: Publish / subscribe properties are not added to the message. RFH2: Publish / subscribe properties are added to the message within an RFH Version 2 header. |
User data | The value of User data can be optionally passed as a message property in a message sent to the subscription. | USERDATA |
Selector | The Selector is an SQL92 string that is applied to messages published on the named topic to select whether they are eligible for the subscription. | SELECTOR |
Selector type | The type of SelectionString that has been specified. This display attribute is calculated and is not associated with an object. The selector type will be filterable (for example, with a WHERE clause) to allow an administrator to display only internal or only external selectors. | SELTYPE |
Extended page
The following table lists the attributes we can set on the Extended page of the Subscription properties dialog.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Variable user ID | Specifies whether users other than the creator
of the subscription, can connect to it and take ownership of the subscription.
The two values are: ANY: Other users can connect to the subscription if the other user has the correct topic authority checks and destination authority checks. This is the default value. FIXED: Other users cannot connect to the subscription. |
User | Specifies the user profile that owns this subscription. | SUBUSER |
Application identity data | The value of Application identity data will be used for messages sent to the subscription. If Application identity data is not specified, then an empty default value is used. | PUBAPPID |
Accounting token | The value of Accounting token will be used for messages sent to the subscription. If Accounting token is not specified, then the default value MQACT_NONE is used. | PUBACCT |
Publish priority | The Publish priority determines
the manner in which pub/sub related message properties are added to
the messages sent to the subscription. The options available are: As published which means the priority of the message sent to this subscription and is taken from that supplied in the published message. As queue defined which means the priority of the message sent to this subscription and is taken from the default priority of the queue defined as the destination. Priority-value which enables you to specify a priority ranging 0 - 9. |
Subscription ID | The value of Subscription ID is assigned by the queue manager as an all time unique identifier for the subscription. This identifier can be used as an alternative to SUBNAME as the target for DISPLAY, ALTER, and DELETE MQSC commands when it is not possible to provide the SUBNAME due to its format, or if no SUBNAME was provided for an application created subscription. | SUBID |
Expiry | The time to live of the subscription from the creation date
and time. Expiry is measured in tenths of a second.
The two values are: Unlimited which means the subscription will never expire, or the user can type their own value which is measured in tenths of a second. Zero is the default value. |
Request only | Request only indicates whether the subscriber will poll for
updates via MQSUBPRQ API. The two values are: All which means that all publications are delivered to the subscription. this is the default value. On request which means that publications are only delivered to the subscription in response to MQSUBPRQ API. |
Subscription level | This is the level associated with the subscription. Publications will only be delivered to this subscription if it is in the set of subscriptions with the highest SubLevel value less than or equal to the PubLevel used at publication time. The value must be in the range 0 - 9. Zero is the lowest level. | SUBLEVEL |
Statistics page
The following table lists the attributes on the Statistics page of the Subscription properties dialog. The Statistics page displays information about the history of the subscription. The information displayed on the Statistics page is read-only and cannot be altered by the user.
Attribute | Meaning | MQSC parameter |
Creation Date | Read-only. This is the date on which the subscription was created. | CRDATE |
Creation Time | Read-only. this is the time at which the subscription was created. | CRTIME |
Alteration Date | Read-only. This is the date on which the subscription's attributes were last altered. | ALTDATE |
Alteration Time | Read-only. This is the time at which the subscription's attributes were last altered. | ALTTIME |