Application connection properties
The attributes for application connections are displayed in the Application Connection properties dialog. We cannot edit the values of any of these attributes.
The following tables list all the attributes for application connections:
For each attribute, there is a brief description of what it means. The tables also give the equivalent MQSC parameter for the DISPLAY CONN command. For more information about MQSC commands, see Script (MQSC) Commands in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
General page
The following table lists the attributes on the General page of the Application Connection properties dialog.
Attribute Meaning MQSC parameter Application name A string containing the tag of the application connected to the queue manager. It is one of the following: a z/OS® batch job name, a TSO USERID, a CICS® APPLID, an IMS region name, a channel initiator job name, an OS/400® job name, a UNIX process, a Windows process. The application name represents the name of the process or job that has connected to the queue manager. In the instance that this process or job is connected via a channel, the application name represents the remote process or job rather than the local channel process or job name. APPLTAG Application type A string indicating the type of the application that is connected to the queue manager. Batch means an application using a batch connection; RRSBATCH means an RRS-coordinated application using a batch connection; CICS means a CICS transaction; IMS means an IMS transaction; CHINIT means a channel initiator; System means a queue manager; User means a user application. APPLTYPE Process ID The identifier of the process that opened the queue. This attribute is not valid on HP Integrity NonStop Server and z/OS. PID Thread ID The identifier of the thread within the application process that has opened the queue. An asterisk indicates that this queue was opened with a shared connection. This attribute is not valid on HP Integrity NonStop Server and z/OS. TID User ID The user identifier that is associated with the handle. USERID Options These are the connection options that are currently used by this application connection. CONNOPTS Channel name The name of the channel that owns the handle. If there is no channel associated with the handle, this value is empty. This value is shown only when the handle belongs to the channel initiator. CHANNEL Connection name The connection name that is associated with the channel that owns the handle. If there is no channel associated with the handle, this value is empty. This value is shown only when the handle belongs to the channel initiator. CONNAME PSB name This is the 8-character name of the program specification block (PSB) that is associated with the running IMS transaction. PSBNAME Connection ID This is the 24-byte unique connection identifier that allows IBM MQ to reliably identify an application. When the application first connects to the queue manager, the queue manager sets the connection identifier. CONN and EXTCONN
Unit of work page
The following table lists the attributes on the Unit of work page of the Application Connection properties dialog. The Unit of work page displays information that is available about the unit of work associated with the selected connection.
Attribute Meaning MQSC parameter Unit of work type The type of unit of recovery as seen by the queue manager. It is one of the following: CICS (z/OS only); XA; RRS (z/OS only); IMS (z/OS only); Queue manager. URTYPE Unit of work start date This is the date that the transaction associated with the connection was started. UOWSTDA Unit of work start time This is the time that the transaction associated with the connection was started. UOWSTTI Origin unit of work ID The unit of recovery identifier, which was assigned by the originator. It is an 8-byte value. NID Origin name This identifies the originator of the thread, except in the case where the Application type attribute is set to RRSBATCH, when it is omitted. NID Log extent name This is the file name of the log extent to which the transaction associated with this connection first wrote. UOWLOG First log access date This is the date that the transaction associated with the connection first wrote to the log. UOWLOGDA First log access time This is the time that the transaction associated with the connection first wrote to the log. UOWLOGTI Unit of work state The state of the unit of work. None means that there is no unit of work; Active means that the unit of work is active; Prepared means that the unit of work is in the process of being committed; Unresolved means that the unit of work is in the second phase of a two-phase commit operation, IBM MQ holds resources on its behalf and external intervention is required to resolve it. This might be as simple as starting the recovery coordinator (such as CICS, IMS, or RRS) or it might involved a more complex operation such as using the RESOLVE INDOUBT command. The Unresolved value can occur only on z/OS. UOWSTATE Queue manager unit of work ID The unit of recovery assigned by the queue manager. On z/OS, this is an 8 byte log RBA, while on other platforms, this is an 8 byte transaction identifier, displayed as 16 hexadecimal characters. QMURID External unit of work ID The external unit of recovery identifier associated with the connection. It is the recovery identifier known in the external syncpoint coordinator. Its format is determined by the value of the UOW type attribute. EXTURID Asynchronous state The state of the asynchronous consumer on this object handle. There are five possible values: Active: An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously and the connection handle has been started so that asynchronous message consumption can proceed.
Inactive: An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously but the connection handle has not yet been started, or has been stopped or suspended, so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed.Suspended: The asynchronous consumption callback has been suspended so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this object handle. This can be either because an MQCB call with Operation MQOP_SUSPEND has been issued against this object handle by the application, or because it has been suspended by the system. If it has been suspended by the system, as part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption the callback function will be called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. This will be reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure that is passed to the callback function. For asynchronous message consumption to proceed, the application must issue an MQCB call with the Operation parameter set to MQOP_RESUME.
Susptemp: The asynchronous consumption callback has been temporarily suspended by the system so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this object handle. As part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption, the callback function will be called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. This will be reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure passed to the callback function. The callback function will be called again when asynchronous message consumption is resumed by the system, when the temporary condition has been resolved.None: An MQCB call has not been issued against this handle, so no asynchronous message consumption is configured on this handle. This is the default value.
ASTATE Units of recovery disposition (z/OS only) This parameter is used to filter the list of connections returned. There are 3 options to choose from:
- All means that all connections are returned. This is the default value.
- Group means that the connections returned will consist only of those in the group to which the command was targeted.
- Queue manager means that the connections returned will consist only of those on the queue manager to which the command was targeted.
Handle page
The following table lists the attributes on the Handle page of the Application Connection properties dialog. The Handle page displays information about the object that the selected application has opened.
Attribute Meaning MQSC parameter Connection ID This is the 24-byte unique connection identifier that allows IBM MQ to reliably identify an application. When the application first connects to the queue manager, the queue manager sets the connection identifier. CONN and EXTCONN Object name This is the name of the object that the connection has opened. OBJNAME Object type This is the type of the object that the connection has opened; for example, Queue, Channel, Storage Class. OBJTYPE Open options These are the options used by the connection to open the object.
Bind as queue definition means that the application opened the queue to get messages using the queue-defined default; Input shared means that the application opened the queue to get messages with shared access; Input exclusive means that the application opened the queue to get messages with exclusive access; Browse means that the application opened the queue to browse the messages on the queue; Output means that the application opened the queue to put messages on the queue; Inquire means that the application opened the object to get a list of the object's attributes; Set means that the application opened the queue to set the queue's attributes.
Bind on open means that application the local queue manager bound the queue handle to a particular instance of the destination queue when the queue was opened so that all messages put using this handle are sent to the same instance of the destination queue, and by the same route; Bind not fixed means that the local queue manager did not bind the queue handle to a particular instance of the destination queue, so successive MQPUT calls using this handle might result in the messages being sent to different instances of the destination queue, or being sent to the same instance but by different routes; Bind as queue default means that the local queue manager bound the queue handle in the way defined by the queue's Default bind type attribute.
Save all context means that context information from any message retrieved using this handle is associated with this handle; Pass identity context means that the identity context information from a message can be passed to the processed message when it is put on the queue; Pass all context means that the identity and origin context information from a message can be passed to the processed message when it is put on the queue; Set identity context means that the application can set the identity context information associated with a message when it is put on the queue; Set all context means that the application can set the identity and origin context information associated with a message when it is put on the queue. For more information about message context, see Message context in the IBM MQ online product documentation.
Alternate user authority means that the MQOPEN call was validated against the user ID specified in the call; Fail if quiescing means that the MQOPEN call would have failed if the queue manager was in quiescing state.
OPENOPTS QSG disposition Read-only. The queue sharing group disposition of the object. Queue manager means that the object definition is available only to the queue manager that hosts it; Group means that the object definition is stored on the shared repository and each queue manager in the queue sharing group has a copy of the definition; Copy means that the object definition is the queue manager's copy of a definition in the shared repository; Shared means that the object definition is stored on the queue sharing group's coupling facility and is available to all the queue managers in the queue sharing group. QSGDISP Handle state The current state of the handle. Active means that an API call from this connection is currently in progress for this object. If the object is a queue, this condition can arise when an MQGET WAIT call is in progress. If there is an MQGET signal outstanding, this does not mean, by itself, that the handle is active. Inactive means that no API call from this connection is currently in progress for this object. If the object is a queue, this condition can arise when no MQGET WAIT call is in progress. HSTATE Topic string The resolved topic string. This parameter is relevant for handles with OBJTYPE(TOPIC). For any other object type, this parameter is blank. TOPICSTR Subscription name The application's unique subscription name that is associated with the handle. This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics. Not all subscriptions will have a subscription name. SUBNAME Subscription ID The internal, all-time unique identifier of the subscription. This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics. Not all subscriptions show up in DISPLAY CONN; only those that have current handles open to the subscription show up. We can use the DISPLAY SUB command to see all subscriptions. SUBID Destination queue manager The destination queue manager for messages that are published to this subscription. This parameter is relevant only for handles of subscriptions to topics. If DEST is a queue that is hosted on the local queue manager, this parameter will contain the local queue manager name. If DEST is a queue that is hosted on a remote queue manager, this parameter will contain the name of the remote queue manager. DESTQMGR Destination name The destination queue for messages that are published to this subscription. This parameter is only relevant for handles of subscriptions to topics. DEST Asynchronous state The state of the asynchronous consumer on this object handle. There are five possible values: Active: An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously and the connection handle has been started so that asynchronous message consumption can proceed.
Inactive: An MQCB call has set up a function to call back to process messages asynchronously but the connection handle has not yet been started, or has been stopped or suspended, so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed.Suspended: The asynchronous consumption callback has been suspended so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this object handle. This can be either because an MQCB call with Operation MQOP_SUSPEND has been issued against this object handle by the application, or because it has been suspended by the system. If it has been suspended by the system, as part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption the callback function will be called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. This will be reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure that is passed to the callback function. For asynchronous message consumption to proceed, the application must issue an MQCB call with the Operation parameter set to MQOP_RESUME.
Susptemp: The asynchronous consumption call back has been temporarily suspended by the system so that asynchronous message consumption cannot currently proceed on this object handle. As part of the process of suspending asynchronous message consumption, the callback function will be called with the reason code that describes the problem resulting in suspension. This will be reported in the Reason field in the MQCBC structure passed to the callback function. The callback function will be called again when asynchronous message consumption is resumed by the system, when the temporary condition has been resolved.None: An MQCB call has not been issued against this handle, so no asynchronous message consumption is configured on this handle. This is the default value.
ASTATE Read ahead The read ahead connection status. There are four possible values: No: Read ahead of non-persistent messages is not enabled for this object. This is the default value.
Yes: Read ahead of non-persistent message is enabled for this object and is being used efficiently.Backlog: Read ahead of non-persistent messages is enabled for this object. Read ahead is not being used efficiently because the client has been sent a large number of messages which are not being consumed.
Inhibited: Read ahead was requested by the application but has been inhibited because of incompatible options specified on the first MQGET call.READA