IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Configure the data collector to monitor application server instances using GUI - WAS agent
Configure the data collector for each application server instance to monitor.
Do not configure the data collector to monitor an instance of WAS that hosts the Managing Server Visualization Engine. You can, however, use the data collector for monitoring any other WAS instances on the same node.
To configure the data collector to monitor a server instance:
- Enter the Agent Configuration window.
Configure data collectors within Application Servers
- You can choose to configure the data collector to communicate with ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server. Otherwise, this application server instance will not be monitored by the Managing Server infrastructure. (IBM Tivoli Monitoring is not affected by this setting).
To configure the data collector to communicate with the Managing Server, check...
Enable communication to Managing Server for deep-dive diagnostics
If you leave the box unchecked, go to step 7. You can still configure the data collector to communicate with the Managing Server later.
- Enter the fully qualified host name of the Managing Server. If a split Managing Server installation is used, enter the name of the host where the Kernel is located.
If the Managing Server is installed on the same host as the agent, the address and port for this Managing Server are displayed by default, but you can change them.
After entering the host name, you can also change the port number on which the Managing Server Kernel is listening. Then, click Next.
This port number is defined as the value of the key...
- Set the Managing Server home directory, which is the destination directory chosen during the installation of the Managing Server.
If the Managing Server is running and the configuration utility has been able to communicate to it, its home directory will be displayed by default. If the Managing Server is not available at the time of communication, enter the home directory.
If the Managing Server home directory is not displayed, input it. Click Next.
- If there are multiple IP address on this host, select the address that the data collector needs to use for communication with the Managing Server.
If you need to change the ports that the data collector uses to accept incoming connections from the Managing Server (in case of split Managing Server installation, the Publish Server), select "Specify the RMI Port Number", and enter the "RMI Port Number" and "Controller RMI Port Number". Make sure that the ports are not being blocked by the firewall or other applications. The default RMI port Number range is 8200-8299; the Controller RMI Port Number range is 8300-8399.
After making any necessary changes, click Next.
- You can enable the Transaction Tracking API function in the following window.
TTAPI enables the integration of ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications and ITCAM for Transactions. With TTAPI, the data collector can send transaction information to ITCAM for Transactions; also, if ITCAM for Application Diagnostics Managing Server is used, transaction-specific information is available in the Visualization Engine. TTAPI also enables integration of the data collector with the Robotic Response Time component (or T6 agent).
To enable TTAPI, check the box...
Configure Transaction Integration
...and enter the fully qualified host name or IP address for ITCAM for Transaction Tracking agent and the port number that the data collector uses to connect to it. Then, click Next. If you do not need to enable the Transaction Tracking API function, leave the box unchecked and click Next.
- A window for selecting the configuration mode is displayed.
If you need to modify Garbage Collection logging settings, increase the Maximum Heap size, or disable backing up the application server configuration, select Custom. (In this case, the configuration utility will display additional windows for these settings). Otherwise, choose Default. Click Next.
- A window for choosing the type of application server that the data collector monitors is displayed.
Select the application server type, and click Next.
- Discovered application server profiles are listed...
Check the box for the profile to configure with the data collector. You can select multiple profiles from the list; the data collector will be configured for each of the selected server profiles. If the application server profile you want to use does not show up in the list, specify the application server profile installation directory by clicking Add profile. If multiple installations are found, make sure the one selected is running. The selected profile information is displayed below the selection box. Select the application server that the data collector is to monitor and click Next.
- Select the server instances you want to configure.
For a stand alone environment, enter the application server host name or IP address and the SOAP/RMI port of the application server instance you are configuring. For a Network Deployment environment, specify the deployment manager host name or IP address and SOAP/RMI port.
- If the application server has more than one instance and the data collector is already configured for some of them, only the instances for which it is not configured are initially listed in this window.
To display configured instances, select the Include configured server instances check box. If you select a configured instance, it will be reconfigured.
- For a stand-alone environment, instances must be running during the configuration.
- For a Network Deployment or Extended Deployment environment, the Node Agent and Deployment Manager must be running.
To establish data collector and application server communication:
Field What to do Host name Type the fully qualified host name or IP address of the application server instance that the data collector monitors. Do not include a protocol in the host name. For example, type...
If using a Network Deployment environment, provide the host name of the deployment manager instead.
Connector Type Select the type of connection the data collector and application server will use for communication. Port If you selected SOAP as the connector type, enter the SOAP port used by the application server instance. The SOAP port is identified in the SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS end point definition in...
If using Network Deployment, provide the SOAP port of the deployment manager instead.
If you selected RMI as the connector type, enter the RMI port used by the application server instance.
Username Only for Global Security enabled. Type the user ID of a user authorized to log on to the WAS administrative console. This user must have the agent role on the application server. Alternatively, to retrieve the user ID from a properties file, select either...
Password Only for Global Security enabled. Type the password corresponding to the user specified in the Username field. Alternatively, to retrieve the password from a properties file, select Use 'soap.client.props' or 'sas.client.props'.
Next to every selected instance, you can enter a server alias. This alias determines the name of the Tivoli Enterprise Portal node for this instance. Valid characters for the alias include A-z, a-z, 0-9, underbar (_), dash (-), and period (.); do not use other characters.
if you have selected several application server profiles, the connection information (host name, port, connection type, and username/password) may be different for every profile. Select an instance in each profile and enter the information for the profile. Make sure that information is correct for every profile.
Check the boxes next to the instances that must be monitored by the data collector, complete the fields, and click Next.
If the configuration utility is not able to communicate with any of the server instances, the selection window is displayed again, and the instances are highlighted in red. Select an instance highlighted in red to see the error message for it.
If you have selected Custom configuration in Step 8, the following additional windows will be displayed at this point:
- Configure GC Log settings: in this window, you can change the path and cycle settings for the Garbage Collection log for each application server instance. To change the log path, double click the GC Log Path table cell. To change the log cycle settings, double click the GC Cycles table cell.
The GC Cycles setting is only supported if IBM Developer Kit for Java is used. The format of this setting is x, y; x and y are numbers. The logging will be performed to x files in rotation; information for y garbage collection cycles will be sent to one file before switching to the next file.
- Configure Heap Size settings: in this window, you can increase the maximum heap size for the application server instances. For best performance, increase the heap size for all instances; to do this, select the Select All box. You can increase the heap size for individual instances by selecting the Increase JVM Max heap size setting box in table rows.
- In the next step, you can choose to create a response file to save your configuration settings. You can use the response file to perform a silent configuration with the same parameters.
To create a response file, check the box...
Save your settings in a response file
...and click Browse to select the file location; otherwise leave the box unchecked. If you uncheck...
Apply Data Collector Configuration
...the configuration will not be applied; you can still save it in the response file. When the boxes are set correctly, click Next.
- The configuration utility validates the application server connection and applies the configuration.
Click Next
- WebSphere configuration summary information is displayed.
To export the summary report to a file, click the button...
Export Summary Report
The application server needs to be restarted before the data collector configuration takes effect. Click Home to return to the Agent Configuration window, or click OK to complete the configuration process.
- If you click OK, the TEMS Connection window is displayed.
If IBM Tivoli Monitoring is not used (in a deep dive only installation), make sure No TEMS is selected, and click Save. Otherwise click Cancel to close the window.
After configuring the data collector to monitor an application server instance, perform the applicable steps in Additional steps for configuring the data collector on Linux and UNIX systems, including a restart of the application server. The data collector configuration will take effect after the server is restarted.
Parent topic:
Configure the agent using GUI