IBM Tivoli Composite Application Manager for Application Diagnostics, Version
Additional steps for configuring the data collector on Linux and UNIX systems - WAS agent
After restarting the instance of the application server to be monitored by the data collector, if any of the following problems occur...
- The application server fails to restart.
- During GUI configuration, the summary panel for the Configuration Tool indicates the configuration has failed.
- During silent configuration, stdout throws failure messages.
- There are failure messages in the Tivoli common log file.
- The Tivoli Enterprise Portal interface does not show monitored data.
- The MSVE does not show monitored data for the application server instance. can restore the application server configuration to prior state, and run the configuration again.
If the configuration fails repeatedly, contact IBM Support. If directed by IBM Support, configure the application server instance manually.
See also
- Generating your own .jks key files and trust files
- Install as root when application server is not owned and operated by the root ID
- JDK 1.4.2 J9: Enable Java core and heap dumps
- IBM JDK 1.4.2: Remove -Xnoclassgc
Parent topic:
Install ITCAM Agent for WebSphere Applications on Linux and UNIX systems