IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > API reference > IBM Worklight client-side API > JavaScript client-side API > WLClient JavaScript client libraryCalls to the WL server
WLClient uses asynchronous JavaScript calls to access the WL server. Each asynchronous method accepts an options parameter, which includes success and failure handlers to communicate the results of the call. To be notified when an asynchronous function returns, supply these callback functions within the options parameter when you call the function.
General application methods
Lifecycle WL.Client.init, WL.Client.reloadApp Connectivity WL.Client.setHeartBeatInterval, WL.Client.connect, Connectivity-related JavaScript Events Session management methods WL.Client.getUserName, WL.Client.getLoginName, WL.Client.login, WL.Client.logout, WL.Client.isUserAuthenticated, WL.Client.getUserInfo, WL.Client.updateUserInfo Data access methods WL.Client.invokeProcedure Activity logging methods WL.Client.logActivity User preference methods WL.Client.setUserPref, WL.Client.getUserPref(key) Application properties methods WL.Client.getEnvironment, WL.Client.getAppProperty Error handling WL.App.getErrorMessage Debugging WL.Logger object
Mobile functionality and UI
Push notification API: WL.Client.Push.isPushSupported, WL.Client.Push.isPushSMSSupported, WL.Client.Push.onReadyToSubscribe, WL.Client.Push.registerEventSourceCallback, WL.Client.Push.subscribe, WL.Client.Push.subscribeSMS, WL.Client.Push.unsubscribe, WL.Client.Push.unsubscribeSMS Network details WL.Device.getNetworkInfo Open a URL WL.App.openURL Options menu WL.OptionsMenu Tab bar WL.TabBar Badge WL.Badge.setNumber Toast Globalization WL.App.getDeviceLocale, WL.App.getDeviceLanguage Back button WL.App.overrideBackButton, WL.App.resetBackButton Dialog box WL.SimpleDialog Busy indicator WL.BusyIndicator (constructor) Closing an app WL.App.close Access native pages on mobile apps Switch between HTML Pages WL.Fragment.load,Class WL.Page Encrypted offline cache WL.EncryptedCache Clipboard WL.App.copyToClipboard
Web and desktop widget methods
Desktop window state WL.Client.onDock, WL.Client.onUndock, WL.Client.onShow, WL.Client.onHide, WL.Client.close, WL.Client.minimize Globalization WL.Client.getLanguage
Mechanisms used by the WLClient methods
- Options Object, Timeout
Augmented Options
The options parameter often contains additional properties applicable to the specific method that is being called. These additional properties are detailed in the description of the specific method.
Augmented Response
The success and failure handlers of all asynchronous calls always receive a response parameter that contains a common set of properties. Some calls pass additional properties in the response object of the success and failure handlers. In such cases, these additional properties are detailed in the description of the specific method.
Parent WLClient JavaScript client library