IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > API reference > IBM Worklight client-side API > JavaScript client-side API


Open the specified URL...

The behavior of this method depends on the application environment...

Environment Description
Adobe AIR Open a new browser window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
Android Replace the application with a new default browser window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored. The application is not closed; pressing Back on the phone brings the user back to the application.
Apple OSX dashboard Open a new browser window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
BlackBerry 6 and 7 Replace the application with a new default browser window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
iPhone, iPad Replace the application with a new Safari window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
Mobile web apps Open a new browser window at the specified URL. Whether the target and options parameters are ignored or not depends on the specific mobile browser.
Vista Sidebar Open a new browser window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are NOT ignored.
Windows Phone 8 Replace the application with a new Internet Explorer window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
Windows Phone 7 Replace the application with a new Internet Explorer window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
Windows 8 Replace the application with a new Internet Explorer window at the specified URL. The target and options parameters are ignored.
Other environments If the value of the target parameter is _self or unspecified, replaces the application iframe with the specified URL. Otherwise, opens a new browser window with the specified URL. The target and options parameters are NOT ignored.

WL.App.openURL parameters

Parameter Description
url The URL of the web page to be opened.
target Optional. The value to be used as the target (or name) parameter of the JavaScript method. If no value is specified, _self is used.
options Optional. The value to be used as the options (or specs) parameter of the JavaScript method.

If no value is specified, the following options are used:

status=1, toolbar=1, location=1, menubar=1, directories=1, resizable=1, scrollbars=1

Return Value

A reference to the newly opened window, or NULL if no window was opened.

Parent JavaScript client-side API


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