IBM Worklight v5.0.5 > API reference > IBM Worklight client-side API > JavaScript client-side API


Return the value of the specified property.

Where property is one of the following...

WL.AppProperty.AIR_ICON_16x16_PATH Relative path to the AIR icon.
WL.AppProperty.AIR_ICON_128x128_PATH Relative path to the AIR icon.
WL.AppProperty.DOWNLOAD_APP_LINK Desktop widgets only. URL for downloading an updated version of the application.
WL.AppProperty.APP_DISPLAY_NAME Application display name, as defined in the application descriptor.
WL.AppProperty.APP_LOGIN_TYPE Application login type, as defined in the application descriptor: never, onstartup, or ondemand
WL.AppProperty.APP_VERSION Application version, as defined in the application descriptor (a newer version might be available on the WL server)
WL.AppProperty.HEIGHT Web and desktop environments only.
WL.AppProperty.IID Application instance ID (string). All mobile environments use "0".
WL.AppProperty.LANGUAGE Application's language locale.
WL.AppProperty.LATEST_VERSION Latest application version available on the WL server.
WL.AppProperty.LOGIN_DISPLAY_TYPE Login display type, as defined in popup or embedded.
WL.AppProperty.LOGIN_POPUP_HEIGHT Login window height, as defined in; relevant when LOGIN_DISPLAY_TYPE is popup.
WL.AppProperty.LOGIN_POPUP_WIDTH Login window width, as defined in; relevant when LOGIN_DISPLAY_TYPE is popup.
WL.AppProperty.MAIN_FILE_PATH Web environments only; the absolute URL to the main application file.
WL.AppProperty.SHOW_IN_TASKBAR Boolean stating whether the Air application shows in the taskbar, as defined in the descriptor
WL.AppProperty.THUMBNAIL_IMAGE_URL Absolute URL for the thumbnail image for the application
WL.AppProperty.VISTA_DOCK_IMAGE_PATH Windows 7 and Vista gadgets only; relative path to the Windows gadget dock image.
WL.AppProperty.VISTA_DOCK_IMAGE_HEIGHT Windows 7 and Vista gadgets only; height of the gadget in small or docked mode
WL.AppProperty.VISTA_DOCK_IMAGE_WIDTH Windows 7 and Vista gadgets only; width of the gadget in small or docked mode
WL.AppProperty.WIDTH Web and desktop environments only.

Parent JavaScript client-side API


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