You can change the level of problem determination logging during a run. By default, only warnings and severe errors are logged.
Change the problem determination level during a run
You can change the problem determination level, for example, if problems occur when a run reaches a certain number of users, you might increase the level to Config, which is the most detailed level that you will generally use.
To change the level of problem determination logging during a run:
- Click
in the Test Runs view, which displays details of the run.
- On the Problem Determination page, set Problem determination log level to one of the following options:
Option Description All, Finest, Finer, Fine Set only if you are requested to do so by technical support. Config Logs static configuration messages. Configuration messages, which include hardware specifications or system profiles, require no corrective action.
Info Logs informational messages. Informational messages, which include system state, require no corrective action.
Warning Logs warning messages. Default. Warning messages, which might indicate potential problems, require no corrective action.
Severe Logs critical and unrecoverable errors. Critical and unrecoverable messages interrupt normal program execution, and you need to take corrective action. None Turns logging off. - Click Finish.
When a user group runs on a local computer, the problem determination logs are in the deployment_root directory, in workspace. When a user group runs at a remote location, which is the typical use case, each remote location has a deployment directory, which you define and is listed in the Locations page for that user group.
Common Base Event XML logs from remote locations use UTC (also called Zulu) time, which is likely to be different from a local time.
For example, Eastern Standard Time is 5 hours behind UTC time.
What to do next
To view the problem determination log, click...
File | Import | Profiling and Logging | Log File | Add | Common Base Events XML log
...and then browse to the appropriate Common Base Events XML log (in the deployment directory).
Select the log whose Date Modified matches the problem run. The most recent log has the suffix 00.log.
Related tasks
Run a schedule or test Set a launch configuration Run a configured schedule Configure different ports for a location Automating tests Increasing memory allocation Change the number of virtual users during a run Release virtual users from synchronization points Interrupting a run