Calling a script from a functional test script
While recording or editing a functional test script, you can insert a call to a previously recorded script. This lets you avoid repeatedly recording similar actions on the application-under-test by taking advantage of scripts that already exist.
Before you begin
To call a script from a functional test script:
- If recording, click the Insert Script Support Commands button on the Recording Monitor toolbar.
If editing:
- Position the pointer in the script where you want to place the callScript command.
- Click the Insert Recording into Active Functional Tester Script button on the Functional Tester toolbar.
- Click the Insert Script Support Commands button on the Recording Monitor toolbar.
- Click the Call Script tab in the Script Support Functions dialog box.
- In the Script Name field, select from the list the name of the script you want to call or enter the name.
- In the Datapool Iterator Count field, do one of the following:
- Type or select the number of records in the datapool.
- Select Iterate Until Done to access all records in the datapool.
- Select Use Current Record to use the same record across the call script.
- Click Insert Code.
Functional Tester inserts the callScript ("scriptname") code at the cursor location, where scriptname is the name you selected in the Script Name field.
- Click Close to remove the Script Support Functions dialog box from the screen.
You can also insert one or more callScript commands from the Functional Tester Projects view .
What to do next
Related concepts
Get started with Rational Functional Tester
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Related reference