Searching for test objects

Rational Functional Tester supports a means for locating one or more TestObjects matching specified search criteria. The search is based on name/value pairs representing properties of the TestObject or TestObjects you are looking for. The search can either be global, or limited to children of a parent TestObject.

Rational Functional Tester supports a RootTestObject to represent a global view of the software under test. To perform a global search, you invoke the find method on the RootTestObject. Invoking a TestObject find method will only search the children of that TestObject.

The first argument in the find method is a subitem for the search properties. The second optional argument is a flag indicating whether only children that might be included in the test object map should be searched. Valid values for the property subitems are:

There are special properties that apply to RootTestObject.find, including:


TestObject[] foundTOs ;
RootTestObject root = RootTestObject.getRootTestObject() ;
// Find all toplevel windows in the Windows domain with caption "My
// Document"
CaptionText caption = new CaptionText("My Document") ;
foundTOs = root.find(atChild(".domain", "Win", ".caption",      caption)) ;

// Find any dialogs, then return their children
// "OK" buttons.
RegularExpression dialogRE = new
     RegularExpression("*dialog", false) ;
RegularExpression buttonRE = new
     RegularExpression("*button", false) ;
foundTOs = root.find(atList(atDescendant(".class",                      dialogRE), 
                     atChild(".class", buttonRE,".value", 
                     "OK"))) ;

// Start Notepad, dynamically enable that process, // find its top-level window that matches the process id
// and get its descendant text window.
  ProcessTestObject p1 = StartApp("Notepad") ;
  Integer pid = new Integer((int)p1.getProcessId()) ;
  foundTOs = root.find(atList(atProperty(".processId",      pid), atDescendant(".class", ".text"))) ;
// This enables a Windows app with the provided window handle and returns a
// TestObject representing the window.
Long hWnd = getAppsHwnd();
foundTOs = root.find(atChild(".hwnd", hWnd, ".domain", "Win"));

// This enables a .NET app with the provided window handle and returns a
// TestObject representing the window.
Long handle = getAppsHwnd();
foundTOs = root.find(atChild("Handle", handle, ".domain", "Net"));

The Windows and .NET applications are dynamically enabled by Rational Functional Tester and the property used to enable these applications is .processName. To find the required test object on a Windows or .NET application, use the .processName in the query.

Example: The following example code is to find the button 9 in a calculator and then click on it.

 Property[] props = new Property[4];
        // find toplevel window of calculator app
        props[0] = new Property(".processName", "calc.exe");
        props[1] = new Property(".class","SciCalc");
        props[2] = new Property(".name", "Calculator");
        props[3] = new Property(".text", "Calculator");
        TestObject[] tos = find(atChild(props));
        if(tos.length > 0)
            // find button with text 9
            props = new Property[3];
            props[0] = new Property(".class","Button");
            props[1] = new Property(".name", "9");
            props[2] = new Property(".text", "9");
            TestObject[] tos9 = tos[0].find(atChild(props));

            if(tos9.length > 0)
                // Click button 9

Related concepts

Get started with Rational Functional Tester

Related tasks

Calling a script from a functional test script

Maintaining a test object map

Related reference

Test object maps


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