Guidelines: Data Model
Data Models are used to design the structure
of the persistent data stores used by the system. The Unified Modeling
Language (UML) profile for database design provides database designers with
a set of modeling elements that can be used to develop the detailed design of
tables in the database and model the physical storage layout of the database.
The UML database profile also provides constructs for modeling referential integrity
(constraints and triggers), as well as stored procedures used to manage access
to the database.
Data Models might be constructed at the enterprise, departmental, or individual
application level. Enterprise and departmental level Data Models can be used
to provide standard definitions for key business entities (such as customer
and employee) that will be used by all applications within a business or a business
unit. These types of Data Models can also be used to define which system
in the enterprise is the "owner" of the data for a specific business
entity and what other systems are users of (subscribers to) the data.
This guideline describes the model elements of the UML profile for database
modeling used to construct a Data Model for a relational database. Because
there are numerous existing publications on general database theory, it does
not cover this area. For background information on relational Data Models
and Object Models see Concepts:
Relational Databases and Object Orientation.
Note: The data modeling representations contained in this guideline are based
on the UML 1.3. At the time that this guideline was developed, the UML 1.4 data-modeling
profile was not available.
As described in [NBG01], there are three
general stages in the development of a Data Model: conceptual, logical, and
physical. These stages of data modeling reflect the different levels of
detail in the design of the persistent data storage and retrieval mechanisms
of the application. A discussion of conceptual data modeling is provided in
Conceptual Data Modeling. Summaries of logical and physical
data modeling are provided in the next two sections of this guideline.
In logical data modeling, the database designer
is concerned with identifying the key entities and relationships that capture
the critical information that the application needs to persist in the database.
During the use-case analysis, use-case
design, and class design activities,
the database designer and the designer
must work together to ensure that the evolving designs of the analysis and design
classes for the application will adequately support the development of the database.
During the class design activity, the
database designer and the designer must identify the set of classes in the Design
Model that will need to persist data in the database.
This set of persistent classes in the Design Model provides a Design Model
View that, although different from the traditional Logical Data Model, meets
many of the same needs. The persistent classes used in the Design Model
function in the same manner as the traditional entities in the Logical Data
Model. These design classes accurately reflect the data that must be persisted,
including all of the data columns (attributes) that must be persisted and key
relationships. This makes these design classes an excellent starting point for
the physical database design.
Creating a separate Logical Data Model is an option. However, in the best case
it would end up capturing the same information in a different form. In the worst
case it would not, and thus in the end might not meet the business needs of
the application. In particular, if the database is intended to service a single
application, then the application's view of the data might be the best starting
point. The database designer creates tables from this set of persistent design
classes to form an initial Physical Data Model.
Still, situations might exist that would require the database designer to create
an idealized design of the database that is independent from the application
design. In this case, the logical database design is represented in a separate
Logical Data Model that is part of the overall Artifact:
Data Model. This Logical Data Model depicts the key logical entities
and their relationships that are necessary to satisfy the system requirements
for persisting data consistent with the overall architecture of the application. The
Logical Data Model might be constructed using the modeling elements of the UML
profile for database design described in later sections of this guideline. For
projects that use this approach, close collaboration between the application
designers and the database designers is absolutely critical to the successful
development of the database design.
The Logical Data Model might be refined by applying the standard rules for
normalization as defined in Concepts:
Normalization prior to evolving the elements of the Logical Data Model to
create the physical design of the database.
The figure below depicts the primary approach of using the Design Model classes
as the source of logical database design information for creating an initial
Physical Data Model. It also illustrates the alternative approach of using a
separate Logical Data Model.

Logical Data Modeling Approaches
Physical data modeling is the final stage of development in the design of the
database. The Physical Data Model consists of the detailed database table
designs and their relationships created initially from the persistent design
classes and their relationships. The mechanics of performing the transformation
of the Design Model classes to tables is discussed in
Guidelines: Forward-Engineering Relational Databases. The Physical
Data Model is part of the Data Model;
it is not a separate artifact.
The tables in the Physical Data Model have well-defined columns, as well as
keys and indexes as needed. The tables might also have triggers defined as necessary
to support the database functionality and referential integrity of the system.
In addition to the tables, stored procedures have been created, documented,
and associated with the database in which the stored procedure will reside.
The diagram below shows an example of some of the elements of the Physical
Data Model. This example model is a part of the Physical Data Model of
a fictional online auction application. It depicts four tables (Auction, Bid,
Item, and AuctionCategory), along with one stored procedure (sp_Auction) and
its container class (AuctionManagement). The figure also depicts the columns
of each table, the primary key and foreign key constraints, and the indexes
defined for the tables.

Example (Physical) Data Model Elements
The Physical Data Model also contains mappings of the tables to physical storage
units (tablespaces) in the database. The figure below shows an example
of this mapping. In this example, the tables Auction and OrderStatus are
mapped to a tablespace called PRIMARY. The diagram also illustrates modeling
the realization of the tables to the database (named PearlCircle in this example).

Example Data Storage Model Elements
On projects in which a database already exists, the database designer can reverse-engineer
the existing database to populate the Physical Data Model. See Guidelines:
Reverse-Engineering Relational Databases for more information.
This section describes the general modeling guidelines for each major element
of the Data Model based on the UML profile for database modeling. A brief description
of each model element is followed by an example illustration of the UML model
element. The Relationships section of this guideline
includes a description of the usage of the model elements.
Standard UML packages are used to group and organize elements of the Data Model.
For example, packages might be defined to organize the Data Model into separate
Logical and Physical Data Models. Packages might also be used to identify
logically related groups of tables in the Data Model that constitute the major
data "subject areas" of importance to the business domain of the application
being developed. The figure below shows an example of two subject area
packages (Auction Management and UserAccount Management) used to organize views
and tables in the Data Model.

Subject Area Packages Example
In the UML profile for database modeling, a table is modeled as a class with
a stereotype of <<Table>>. The columns in the table are modeled as attributes
with the stereotype of <<column>>. One or more columns might be designated as
a primary key to provide for unique row entries in the table. Columns might
also be designated as foreign keys. Primary keys and foreign keys have
associated constraints that are modeled as the stereotyped operations of <<Primary
Key>> and <<Foreign Key>> respectively. The figure below depicts the structure
of an example table used to manage information about items sold at auction in
a fictional online auction system.

Table Example
Tables might be related to other tables through the following types of relationships:
- identifying (composite aggregation)
- non-identifying (association)
The Relationships section of this guideline provides
examples of how these relationships are used. Information on how these types
of relationships can be mapped to Design Model elements appears in Guidelines:
Reverse-Engineering Relational Databases.
A trigger is a procedural function designed to run as a result of some action
on the table in which the trigger resides. A trigger is defined to execute when
a row in the table is inserted, updated, or deleted. Additionally, a trigger
is designated to execute either before or after the table command executes.
Triggers are defined as operations in a table. The operations are stereotyped

Trigger Example
Indexes are used as mechanisms for enabling faster access of information when
specific columns are used to search the table. An index is modeled as
an operation in the table with a stereotype of <<index>>. Indexes might
be designated as unique and might be designated as clustered or unclustered.
Clustered indexes are used to force the order of the data rows in the table
to be aligned with the order of the index values. An example of an index operation
(IX_auctioncategory) is shown in the figure below.

Index Example
A view is a virtual table with no independent persistent storage. A view has
the characteristics and behaviors of a table and accesses the data in the columns
from the table(s) with which the view has defined relationships. Views
are used for providing more efficient access to information in one or more tables
and also can be used to enforce business rules for restricting access to data
in the tables. In the example below, an AuctionView has been defined as a "view"
of information in the Auction table shown in the physical data modeling section
of this guideline.
Views are modeled as classes with the stereotype of <<view>>. The attributes
of the view class are the columns from the tables referenced by the view. The
datatypes of the columns in the view are inherited from the tables with a defined
dependency with the view.

View Example
A domain is a mechanism used to create user-defined datatypes that can be applied
to columns across multiple tables. A domain is modeled as a class with
the stereotype <<Domain>>. In the example below, a domain has been defined
for a "zip + 4" zipcode.

Domain Example
A stored procedure container is a grouping of stored procedures within the
Data Model. A stored procedure container is created as a UML class that is stereotyped
<<SP Container>>. Multiple stored procedure containers can be created in a database
design. Each stored procedure container must have at least one stored procedure.
A stored procedure is an independent procedure that typically resides on the
database server. Stored procedures are documented as operations that are grouped
into classes stereotyped as <<SP Container>>. The operations are stereotyped <<SP>>.
The example below shows a single stored procedure operation (SP_Auction) in
a container class named AuctionManagement. When designing stored procedures,
the database designer must be cognizant of any naming conventions used by the
specific RDBMS.

Stored Procedure Container and Stored Procedure Example
A tablespace represents the amount of storage space to be allocated to such
items as tables, stored procedures and indexes. Tablespaces are linked to a
specific database through a dependency relationship. The number of tablespaces
and how the individual tables will be mapped to them depends on the complexity
of the Data Model. Tables that will be accessed frequently might need to
be partitioned into multiple tablespaces. Tables that do not contain large amounts
of frequently accessed data might be grouped into a single tablespace.
A tablespace container is defined for each tablespace. The tablespace container
is the physical storage device for the tablespace. Although multiple tablespace
containers can exist for a single tablespace, it is recommended that a tablespace
container be assigned to only a single tablespace. Tablespace containers are
defined as attributes to the tablespace; they are not explicitly modeled.

Tablespace Example
A schema documents the organization or structure of the database. A schema is
represented as a package that is stereotyped <<Schema>>. When a schema is defined
as a package, the tables that make up that package should be contained within
the schema. A dependency between the database and the schema is created to
document the relationship between the database and the schema.

Schema Example
A database is a collection of data that is organized such that the information
in it can be accessed and managed. The management and access of information
in the database is performed through the use of a commercial database management
system (DBMS). A database is represented in the Data Model as a component
that is stereotyped <<Database>>.

Database Example
The UML profile for database modeling defines the valid relationships between
the major elements of the Data Model. The following sections provide examples
of the different relationship types.
A non-identifying relationship is a relationship between two tables that
independently exist within the database. A non-identifying relationship is
documented by using an association between the tables. The association is
stereotyped <<Non-Identifying>>. The example below depicts a non-identifying
relationship between the Item table and the AuctionCategory table.

Non-Identifying Relationship Example
An identifying relationship is a relationship between two tables in which the
child table must coexist with the parent table. An identifying relationship
is documented by using a composite aggregation between two tables. The composite
aggregation is stereotyped as <<Identifying>>. The figure below is an example
of an identifying relationship. This example shows that instances of the child
table (CreditCard) must have an associated entry in the parent table (UserAccount).

Identifying Relationship Example
For both the association and composite aggregation,
multiplicity should be defined to document the number of rows in the
relationship. In the example above, for each row in the UserAccount table, there
can be 0 or more CreditCard rows in the CreditCard table. For each row in the
CreditCard table, there is exactly one row in the UserAccount table.
Multiplicity is also known as cardinality.
Database Views
When defining a database view's relationship with a table, a dependency relationship
is used, drawn from the view to the table. The stereotype of the dependency
is <<Derive>>. Typically, the view dependency is named, and the name of the dependency
is the same as the name of the table that is defined in the dependency relationship
with the database view.

View and Table Dependency Relationship Example
A dependency relationship is used to link a tablespace to a specific database.
As shown in the figure below, the relationship is drawn to show that the database
has the dependency on the tablespace. Multiple tablespaces can be related
to a single database in the model.

Tablespace and Database Dependency Relationship Example
A dependency relationship is used to document the relationships between tablespaces
and the tables within a tablespace. One or many tables can be related
to a single tablespace, and a single table can be related to multiple tablespaces.
The example below shows that the table Auction is assigned to a single tablespace
named PRIMARY.

Table and Tablespace Dependency Relationship Example
Realizations are used to establish the relationship between a database and
the tables that exist within it. A table can be realized by multiple databases
in the Data Model.

Table and Database Realization Relationship Example
Stored Procedures
A dependency relationship is used to document the relationship between the
stored procedure container and the tables that the stored procedures within
the stored procedure containers act upon. The example below depicts this type
of relationship by showing that the stored procedure SP_Auction will be used
to access information in the Auction table.

Stored Procedure Container and Table Dependency Relationship
In the inception phase, initial data
modeling activities might be performed in conjunction with the development of
any proof-of-concept prototypes as part of the"Perform architectural synthesis
workflow detail" activities. On projects in which a database already
exists, the database designer might reverse-engineer the existing database to
develop an initial Physical Data Model based on the structure of the existing
database. See Guidelines: Reverse-Engineering Relational
Databases for more information. Elements of the Physical Data Model might
be transformed into Design Model elements as needed to support any proof-of-concept
prototyping activities.
The goal of the elaboration phase is
to eliminate technical risk and to produce a stable (baselined) architecture
for the system. In large-scale systems, poor performance resulting from a badly
designed Data Model is a major architectural concern. As a result, both data
modeling and the development of an architectural prototype that allows the performance
of the database to be evaluated are essential to achieving a stable architecture. As
the architecturally significant use cases are detailed and analyzed in each
iteration, Data Model elements are defined based on the development of the persistent
class designs from the use cases. As the class designs stabilize, the database
designer might periodically transform the class designs into tables in the Data
Model and define the appropriate data storage model elements.
By the end of the elaboration phase, the major database structures (tables,
indexes, and primary and foreign key columns) must be put in place to support
the execution of the defined architecturally significant scenarios for the application.
In addition, representative data volumes must be loaded into the database to
support architectural performance testing. Based on the results of performance
testing, the Data Model might need to be adjusted with optimization techniques,
including but not limited to de-normalizing, optimizing physical storage attributes
or distribution, and indexing.
Major restructuring of the Data Model must not occur during the construction
phase. Additional tables and data storage elements might be defined during
the construction phase iterations based on the detailed design of the set of
use cases and approved change requests allocated to the iteration. A primary
focus of database design during the construction phase is to continually monitor
the performance of the database and optimize the database design as needed through
de-normalizing, defining indexes, creating database views, and other optimization
The Physical Data Model is the design artifact that the database designer maintains
during the construction phase. It can be maintained by either making direct
updates in the model or as a result of a tool reading updates that have been
made directly on the database.
The Data Model, like the Design Model, is maintained during the transition
phase in response to approved change requests. The database designer must
keep the Data Model synchronized with the database as the application goes through
final acceptance test and is deployed into production.
If a development team is using modern visual modeling tools that have the ability
to convert classes to tables (and vice versa) and/or has the ability to reverse
and forward engineer databases, then the team needs to establish guidelines
for managing the transformation and engineering processes. The guidelines
are primarily needed for large projects in which a team is working in parallel
on the database and application design. The development team must define
the points in the development of the application (build/release cycle) at which
it will be appropriate to perform the class-to-table transformations and to
forward-engineer the database. Once the initial database is created, the
development team must define guidelines for the team to manage the synchronization
of the Data Model and database as the design and code of the system evolve throughout
the project.