Concepts: Conceptual Data Modeling

As defined in [NBG01],
conceptual data modeling represents the initial stage in the development of
the design of the persistent data and persistent data storage for the system. In
many cases, the persistent data for the system are managed by a relational database
management system (RDBMS). The business and system entities identified at a
conceptual level from the business models and system requirements will be evolved
through the use-case analysis, use-case design, and database design activities
into detailed physical table designs that will be implemented in the RDBMS.
Note that the Conceptual Data Model discussed in this concept document is not
a separate artifact. Instead it consists of a composite view of information
contained in existing Business Modeling, Requirements, and Analysis and Design
Disciplines artifacts that is relevant to the development
of the Data Model.
The Data Model typically evolves
through the following three general stages:
- Conceptual-This stage involves the identification of the high level
key business and system entities and their relationships that define the scope
of the problem to be addressed by the system. These key business and system
entities are defined using the modeling elements of the UML profile for business
modeling included in the Business Analysis Model and the Analysis
Class model elements of the Analysis Model.
- Logical-This stage involves the refinement of the conceptual high
level business and system entities into more detailed logical entities. These
logical entities and their relationships can be optionally defined in a Logical
Data Model using the modeling elements of the UML profile for database design
as described in Guidelines: Data Model.
This optional Logical Data Model is part of the Artifact:
Data Model and not a separate RUP artifact.
- Physical-This stage involves the transformation of the logical class
designs into detailed and optimized physical database table designs. The
physical stage also includes the mapping of the database table designs to
tablespaces and to the database component in the database storage design.
The activities related to database design span the entire software development
lifecycle, and the initial database design activities might start during the
inception phase. For projects
that use business modeling to describe the business context of the application,
database design may start at a conceptual level with the identification of Business
Actors and Business Use Cases in the Business Use-Case Model, and the Business
Workers and Business Entities in the Business Analysis Model. For projects
that do not use business modeling, the database design might start at the conceptual
level with the identification of System Actors and System Use Cases in the Use-Case
Model, and the identification of Analysis
Classes in the Analysis Model from
the Use-Case Realizations.
The figure below shows the set of Conceptual Data Model elements that reside
in the Business Models, Requirements Models, and the Analysis Model.

The following sections describe the elements of the Business Models, Use-Case
Model, and Analysis Model that can be used to define the initial Conceptual
Data Model for persistent data in the system.
Conceptual Data Modeling Elements

Business Models

Business Use-Case Model
The Business Use-Case Model consists of Business Actors and Business Use Cases. The
Business Use Cases represent key business processes that are used to define
the context for the system to be developed. Business Actors represent key
external entities that interact with the business through the Business Use Cases. The
figure below shows a very simple example Business Use-Case Model for an online
auction application.

As entities of significance to the problem of space for the system, Business
Actors are candidate entities for the Conceptual Data Model. In the example
above, the Buyer and Seller Business Actors are candidate entities for which
the online auction application must store information.
Business Analysis Model
The Business Analysis Model contains classes that model the Business Workers
and Business Entities identified from analysis of the workflow in the Business
Use Case. Business Workers represent the participating workers that perform
the actions needed to carry out that workflow. Business Entities are "things"
that the Business Workers use or produce during that workflow. In many
cases, the Business Entities represent types of information that the system
must store persistently.
The figure below shows an example sequence diagram that depicts Business Workers
and Business Entities from one scenario of the Business Use Case titled "Provide
Online Auction" for managing an auction.

In this simplified example, the Auction Manager object represents a Business
Worker role that will likely be performed by the online auction management system
itself. The Auction and Auction Item objects are Business Entities that
are used or produced by the Auction Manager worker acting as an agent for the
Seller and Buyer Business Actors. From a database design perspective,
the Auction and Auction Item Business Entities are candidate entities for the
Conceptual Data Model.
Requirements and Analysis Models

For projects that do not perform business modeling, the Requirements (System
Use Case) and Analysis Models contain model elements that can be used to develop
an initial Conceptual Data Model. For projects that use business modeling,
the business entities and relationships identified in the Business Analysis
Models are refined and detailed in the Analysis Model as Entity Classes.
System Use-Case Model
The System Use-Case Model contains System Actors and System Use Cases
that define the primary interactions of the users with the system.
The System Use Cases define the functional requirements for the system.
From a conceptual data modeling perspective, the System Actors represent entities
external to the system for which the system might need to store persistent information.
This is important in cases where the System Actor is an external system that
provides data to and/or receives data from the system under development.
System Actors can be derived from the Business Actors in the Business Use-Case
Model and the Business Workers in the Business Analysis Model.
The figure below depicts the Business Use-Case Model for the online auction
system. In this model, the Buyer and Seller Business Actors are now derived
from a generic User Business Actor. A new System Actor named Credit Service
Bureau has been added to reflect the need to process payments through an external
entity. This new System Actor is another candidate entity for the Conceptual
Data Model.

Analysis Model
The Analysis Model contains the Analysis
Classes identified in the Use-Case Realizations for the System Use Cases. The types of Analysis Classes that
are of primary interest from a conceptual data modeling perspective are the
Entity Analysis Classes. As defined in Guidelines:
Analysis Class, Entity Analysis Classes represent information managed by
the system that must be stored in a persistent manner. The Entity Analysis
Classes and their relationships form the basis of the initial Data Model for
the application.
The conceptual Entity Analysis Classes in the Analysis Model might be refined
and detailed into logical Persistent Design Classes in the Design Model. These
design classes represent candidate tables in the Data Model. The attributes
of the classes are candidate columns for the tables and also represent candidate
keys for them. See Guidelines: Forward-Engineering
Relational Databases for a description of how elements in the Design Model
can be mapped to Data Model elements.