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Projects: Organize and coordinate changes

Coordinate updates without impacting the published site. Collaborate with colleagues during review process. Publish defined changes at the same time. Projects streamline the creation, review, and publication process.

Changes to published sites usually involve more than a single update, and might span multiple site areas. Content owners manage flow using templates. A project template defines the publish method, workflow, and approval options.


    Content owner

    We want articles and other promotions added to the site that highlight key conference events. Create two project templates from the site toolbar...

    • Fall Conference
    • Spring Conference

    Create two projects using the new project templates. Add content authors to each project, and grant access to these content authors.

    Content author

    Multiple team members are content authors for these two projects. These team members can see the Fall and Spring Conference projects from the site toolbar, and author and edit content for these two projects.Team members add content to the their conference. As content is ready, content is sent by these members for approval and publishing.

    The project does not publish until all content added to the project is ready to be published. The approval and publishing details are controlled by the project template used by the content owner when creating the project.


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