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  • Record an HTTPS application

    When recording a scenario, NeoLoad acts as a go-between with the browser and the web server. With a secure connection, NeoLoad has to decipher the traffic flowing between the two entities in order to analyze its content. Each time a communication is sent, NeoLoad decodes the incoming data, analyzes it, and re-ciphers it before sending it out again. This process requires the use of certificates.

    Before recording the scenario, it is recommended to close all HTTP client applications (other Web sessions, Twitter client, and so on). NeoLoad records all the HTTP flows going through the machine. It is necessary to close HTTP clients or define exclusion rules in NeoLoad to avoid unwanted requests in the recording.

    1. Certificates
    2. Security warning
    3. Install the root certificate
    4. Certificate use
    5. Remove a root certificate
    6. New versions of NeoLoad
    7. Applications using client certificates
    8. Java applets
    9. Start recording an HTTPS application
    10. Record a test scenario
    11. Record an HTTP application in proxy mode
    12. Record an HTTP application in tunnel mode
    13. Record an Adobe RTMP application
    14. Record a mobile application
    15. Start recording
