
The Collaboration Center offers an integrated framework of e-workplace components for finding, connecting, and working with people:

The Collaboration Center is included with WebSphere Portal Express Plus only.

Use these components, users have immediate access to a searchable directory of people that is integrated with their workplaces and their e-meetings within the collaborative portal. Users can find people in the directory, see their online status, and interact with them using instant messaging and other actions provided by people links. In addition to search features, the People Finder provides views of each person's directory record and his or her place in the organizational context. People links are visible in workplaces and e-meetings to make employee interaction fast and easy, improving personal and organizational productivity.

Prerequisite: To use the Collaboration Center, you should have an existing installation of WebSphere Portal with collaboration features and know how to work with a collaborative portal. Lotus Collaborative Components is a prerequisite for the three portlets that depend on server settings specified in the file: My Lotus Team Workplaces, Sametime Contact List, and Sametime Who Is Here. Refer to Planning for collaboration and other sections of the Information Center, and to related product documentation when necessary for basic portal concepts and procedures. Before you install and configure the Collaboration Center, examine your existing collaborative portal environment and consider several factors: principally, user roles and responsibilities, your installation readiness, and your configuration options for advanced collaboration products from Lotus Software.

Recommendation: An incremental roll out of the Collaboration Center in a pilot project is your best approach for introducing Collaboration Center in your collaborative portal.


See also