Task preview
Before you deploy the Collaboration Center in your enterprise, you should become familiar with this roadmap of tasks. A basic understanding of these tasks will help you establish roles and responsibilities for maintaining and using the Collaboration Center.
Tasks for administrators and designers
System administrators (particularly directory administrators with LDAP expertise), portal administrators, and portal designers typically share the following tasks for managing the installation and set up of Collaboration Center capabilities in WebSphere Portal:
- Planning deployment
- Install Collaboration Center capabilities using the installation program
- Configure the People Finder portlet
- Set up the Collaboration Center portlets:
Tasks for application developers
Application or portlet developers typically perform the following tasks:
- Integrating People Finder menu actions using Click-to-Action (C2A) capabilities
- Customize People Finder views using JSP tags
Tasks for general users
General users use the Collaboration Center portlets to find, connect, and work with people in workplaces and e-meetings. Click the Help icon on a portlet's title bar to display the procedure for using the portlet's mode or view.
Here is a summary of tasks performed using Collaboration Center portlets:
- Use the People Finder
- Find a person (Quick Search or Advanced Search)
- View search results
- View person records
- View a person's management chain and employees managed, if applicable
- Use people links to
Send E-mail
Show Profile (if Lotus Discovery Server is enabled with WebSphere Portal)
Find Documents Authored By (if Lotus Discovery Server is enabled with WebSphere Portal)
Add to Contact List
Show Person Record
Show in Organization View
Find Pages Authored By
- Use My Team Workplaces
- Find workplaces
- View workplaces
- View workplace details
- Request a new workplace
- Edit workplace display properties
- Use people links
- Use Web Conferencing
- Find meetings
- View meetings
- Manage meeting details
- Schedule a meeting
- Attend a meeting
- Edit meeting display properties
- Use people links
See also
- Planning
- Install Collaboration Center components
- Configure WebSphere Portal to use Collaboration Center portlets
- Troubleshooting