Performance Tools reports


Performance Tools reports provide information on data that has been collected over time. Use these reports to get additional information about the performance and use of system resources.

The Performance Tools reports provide an easy way for you to look at your collected data and isolate performance problems. After you have collected performance data over time, you can print the reports to see how and where system resources are being used. The reports can direct you to specific application programs, users, or inefficient workloads that are causing slower overall response times.

Collection Services provides data for most of the Performance Tools reports with the exception of the Transaction, Lock, and Trace reports. You must use the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) and End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) commands to collect the trace information for those three reports.


Parent topic:

Performance Tools
Related tasks
Printing the performance reports
Related information
Collection Services Collect information about an application's performance Performance explorer reports PM iSeries reports