Performance Tools reports
Performance Tools reports provide information on data that has been collected over time. Use these reports to get additional information about the performance and use of system resources.
The Performance Tools reports provide an easy way for you to look at your collected data and isolate performance problems. After you have collected performance data over time, you can print the reports to see how and where system resources are being used. The reports can direct you to specific application programs, users, or inefficient workloads that are causing slower overall response times.
Collection Services provides data for most of the Performance Tools reports with the exception of the Transaction, Lock, and Trace reports. You must use the Start Performance Trace (STRPFRTRC) and End Performance Trace (ENDPFRTRC) commands to collect the trace information for those three reports.
- Overview of Performance Tools reports
The following list describes each report, gives a brief overview as to why you would use a particular report, and links to samples of each report.
- Printing the performance reports
You can print reports using the performance data that you collected.
- Example: System Report
Uses Collection Services data to provide an overview of how the system is operating.
- Example: Component Report
Uses Collection Services data to provide information about the same components of system performance as a System Report, but at a greater level of detail.
- Example: Transaction Reports
Uses trace data to provide detailed information about the transactions that occurred during the performance data collection.
- Example: Lock Report
Uses trace data to provide information about lock and seize conflicts during system operation.
- Example: Batch Job Trace Report
Uses trace data to show the progression of different job types (for example, batch jobs) traced through time.
- Example: Job Trace Information report
This sample report shows the QPPTTRCD file. The Print Job Trace (PRTJOBTRC) command generates printer files QPPTTRCD, QPPTTRC1 and QPPTTRC2.
- Example: Job Trace Analysis Summary report
This sample report shows the QPPTTRC1 file. The Print Job Trace (PRTJOBTRC) command generates printer files QPPTTRCD, QPPTTRC1 and QPPTTRC2. The Trace Analysis Summary report (QPPTTRC1) shows the job trace details by transaction.
- Example: Job Trace Analysis I/O Summary report
This sample report shows the QPPTTRC2 file. The Print Job Trace (PRTJOBTRC) command generates printer files QPPTTRCD, QPPTTRC1 and QPPTTRC2. The Trace Analysis I/O Summary report (QPPTTRC2) shows the job trace details by transaction.
- Example: Job Interval Report
Uses Collection Services data to show information on all or selected intervals and jobs, including detail and summary information for interactive jobs and for noninteractive jobs.
- Example: Pool Interval Report
Uses Collection Services data to provide a section on subsystem activity and a section on pool activity.
- Example: Resource Interval Report
Uses Collection Services data to provide resource information on all or selected intervals.
- Performance Report columns
Each report includes columns of information. Look here for descriptions of that information.
- Performance Report header
Each report, regardless of the type or section, contains information in the header of the report that identifies characteristics of the data. Look here for descriptions of the header information.
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Performance Tools