Example: Job Trace Analysis Summary report


This sample report shows the QPPTTRC1 file. The Print Job Trace (PRTJOBTRC) command generates printer files QPPTTRCD, QPPTTRC1 and QPPTTRC2. The Trace Analysis Summary report (QPPTTRC1) shows the job trace details by transaction.

The Job Trace Analysis Summary report shows the number and type of I/O operations, such as database reads, non-database reads, and writes, that occurs for each transaction.



                                                   TRACE ANALYSIS SUMMARY                          08/18/2005                      
    FILE-QAPTTRCJ   LIBRARY-TRCTST     MBR-QAJOBTRC                            JOB- QPADEV0058/RSRAYAS   /541176                   
                                             P H Y S I C A L   I / O                                                               
                SECONDS   CPU SECONDS   DB READS  NON-DB RDS      WRITES  WAITS    SEQUENCE                                        
WAIT-ACT       1.590181                                                                  36                                        
ACTIVE         1.699944      6.271885                    19            2      1       16865                                        
WAIT-ACT       1.699944      6.271885          6       1119         1013     60          58                                        
ACTIVE          .480432      6.298743                                                    85                                        
WAIT-ACT        .480432      6.298743          6       1119         1013     60         474                                        
ACTIVE         9.842661     15.677025                   127            4      2         173                                        
WAIT-ACT       9.842661     15.677025          6       1246         1017     62        8757                                        
ACTIVE          .616217     28.773849                  1316                            4389                                        
WAIT-ACT        .616217     28.773849          6       2562         1017     62        4394                                        
ACTIVE          .000082     40.675719                    12                            8207                                        
WAIT-ACT        .000082     40.675719          6       2574         1017     62        8211                                        
ACTIVE          .000137     40.711058                     6                            8823                                        
WAIT-ACT        .000137     40.711058          6       2580         1017     62        8828                                        
ACTIVE          .000110     50.753111                     1                             257                                        
WAIT-ACT        .000110     50.753111          6       2581         1017     62       12812              


Parent topic:

Performance Tools reports
Related reference
Performance Report header Performance Report columns