Performance Report header


Each report, regardless of the type or section, contains information in the header of the report that identifies characteristics of the data. Look here for descriptions of the header information.

Report title

Identifies the type of performance report on the first line. The second line identifies the section of the report.

Current date and time

Indicates the date and time the report was printed.

Report page number

Identifies the page of the report.

Perf data from time to time at interval

Indicates the time period over which the data was collected and at what interval.

User-selected report title

Indicates the name assigned to the report by a user.


Indicates the performance data member used in the report. This name corresponds to the name used on the MBR parameter of the Create Performance data (CRTPFRDTA) command.


Identifies the library where the performance data used for a particular report is located.


Indicates the model and serial number of the server on which the performance data for the report was collected. The serial number can be 10 characters.

Main storage size

Indicates the size of the main storage on the server on which the performance data was collected.


Indicates the date and time Collection Services started collecting performance data for the report. Depending on whether or not you select specific intervals or a specific starting time, you could see the following:


The date and time Collection Services stopped collecting performance data for this report. Depending on whether or not you select specific intervals or a specific ending time, you could see the following:

System name

Indicates the name of the server on which the performance data was collected for the report.

Version/Release level

x/ x.0 indicates which version and release level of the operating system the server was running at the time the performance data was collected.

Partition ID

Identifies the ID of the partition on which the collection was run. This change accommodates the logical partition implementation. Here are some of the values that you might see:

Feature Code

Identifies the Interactive feature code value for the server.

Int Threshold

Indicates the percent of the total system CPU for interactive work that was used during the collection period. The value is obtained from the QAPMCONF file (GKEY IT) and reflects the configuration metric obtained when the collection started. You should be aware that this value may change for each interval within a collection period due to dynamic changes in logical partition configuration.

Virtual Processors

The number of virtual processors configured for the partition. The value is obtained from the QAPMCONF file (GKEY 13)and reflects the configuration metric obtained when the collection started. You should be aware that this value may change for each interval within a collection period due to dynamic changes in logical partition configuration.

Processor Units

The number of processor units allocated to the partition. The value is obtained from the QAPMCONF file (GKEY PU) and reflects the configuration metric obtained when the collection started. You should be aware that this value may change for each interval within a collection period due to dynamic changes in logical partition configuration.

Processing units are a unit of measure for shared processing power across one or more virtual processors. One shared processing unit on one virtual processor accomplishes approximately the same work as one dedicated processor. One shared processing unit on two virtual processors accomplishes approximately half the work of two dedicated processors.

Column headings

Each report also has several columns that make up the information of the report. Some are specific to a particular report and others are consistent between reports. For short descriptions of these columns, see the Performance Report columns page.


Parent topic:

Performance Tools reports