Overview of Performance Tools reports


The following list describes each report, gives a brief overview as to why you would use a particular report, and links to samples of each report.

Table 1. Overview of Performance Tools reports
Report Description What is shown How you use the information
Example: System Report Uses Collection Services data to provide an overview of how the system is operating. The report contains summary information on the workload, resource use, storage pool utilization, disk utilization, and communications. Run and print this report often to give you a general idea of your system use. System workload. The report includes the database capabilities data. Workload projection
Example: Component Report Uses Collection Services data to provide information about the same components of system performance as a System Report, but at a greater level of detail. This report helps you find which jobs are consuming high amounts of system resources, such as CPU, disk, and so on. Resource use, communications, system and user jobs. The report includes the database capabilities data and the Interactive Feature utilization. Hardware growth and configuration processing trends
Example: Transaction Reports Uses trace data to provide detailed information about the transactions that occurred during the performance data collection. Workload and utilization of CPU, disk, main storage, transaction workload, object contention Workload projection, pool configuration, application design, file contention, and program use
Example: Lock Report Uses trace data to provide information about lock and seize conflicts during system operation. With this information you can determine if jobs are being delayed during processing because of unsatisfied lock requests or internal machine seize conflicts. These conditions are also called waits. If they are occurring, you can determine which objects the jobs are waiting for and the length of the wait. File, record, or object contention by time; the holding job or object name; the requesting job or object name Problem analysis. Reduction or elimination of object contention.
Example: Batch Job Trace Report Uses trace data to show the progression of different job types (for example, batch jobs) traced through time. Resources utilized, exceptions, and state transitions are reported. Job class time-slice end and trace data Problem analysis and batch job progress
Example: Job Interval Report Uses Collection Services data to show information on all or selected intervals and jobs, including detail and summary information for interactive jobs and for noninteractive jobs. Because the report can be long, you may want to limit the output by selecting the intervals and jobs you want to include. Jobs by interval Job data
Example: Pool Interval Report Uses Collection Services data to provide a section on subsystem activity and a section on pool activity. Data is shown for each sample interval. Because the report can be long, you may want to limit the output by selecting the intervals and jobs you want to include. Pools by interval Pool data
Example: Resource Interval Report Uses Collection Services data to provide resource information on all or selected intervals. Because the report can be long, you may want to limit the output by selecting the intervals you want to include. Resources by interval System resource use

Performance explorer and Collection Services are separate collecting agents. Each one produces its own set of database files that contain grouped sets of collected data. You can run both collections at the same time.


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Performance Tools reports